The commercetools platform, import-api and C# sdks generated from our api reference.
No Matches
Query Predicate Builders

The commercetools API provided predicates to query resources. Using the builders type safe predicates can be built.

For each resource that provides a query endpoint the request builders provide a WithQuery method. The argument is a lambda function which provides the predicate builder. For each property of a resource the necessary methods are provided as well as the predicate operators.


// name = "Peter" // For exact match to "Peter". This does not perform substring match.
.WithQuery(q => q.FirstName().Is("Peter"));
// firstName != "Peter"
.WithQuery(q => q.FirstName().IsNot("Peter"));
// version < 42
.WithQuery(q => q.Version().IsLessThan(42));
// version > 42
.WithQuery(q => q.Version().IsGreaterThan(42));
// version <= 42
.WithQuery(q => q.Version().IsLessThanOrEqual(42));
// version >= 42
.WithQuery(q => q.Version().IsGreaterThanOrEqual(42));
// version <> 42
.WithQuery(q => q.Version().IsNot(42));
// Combine any two conditional expressions in a logical conjunction / disjunction
// firstName = "Peter" and version < 42
.WithQuery(q => q.FirstName().Is("Peter").And(q.Version().IsLessThan(42)));
// firstName = "Peter" or version < 42
.WithQuery(q => q.FirstName().Is("Peter").Or(q.Version().IsLessThan(42)));
// Negate any other conditional expression
// not (firstName = "Peter" and version < 42)
.WithQuery(q => q.FirstName().Is("Peter").And(q.Version().IsLessThan(42)).Not());
// Check whether a field's value is or is not contained in
// a specified set of values.
// version in (42, 43, 44)
.WithQuery(q => q.Version().IsIn(new[] { 42, 43, 44 }));
// age not in (42, 43, 44)
.WithQuery(q => q.Version().IsIn(new[] { 42, 43, 44 }).Not());

More examples can be found in the query test class