Package com.commercetools.api.models.cart_discount
package com.commercetools.api.models.cart_discount
ClassDescriptionCartDiscount Example to create an instance using the builder patternIf a referenced Store does not exist, a ReferencedResourceNotFound error is returned.CartDiscountAddStoreActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountChangeCartPredicateAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountChangeCartPredicateActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountChangeIsActiveAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountChangeIsActiveActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountChangeNameAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountChangeNameActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountChangeRequiresDiscountCodeAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountChangeRequiresDiscountCodeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountChangeSortOrderAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountChangeSortOrderActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountChangeStackingModeAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountChangeStackingModeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountChangeTargetAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountChangeTargetActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternChanges the CartDiscountValue for relative, absolute and fixed price CartDiscounts.CartDiscountChangeValueActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternDiscount is applied to CustomLineItems matching the
.CartDiscountCustomLineItemsTargetBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountDraft Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternDiscount is applied to LineItems matching thepredicate
.CartDiscountLineItemsTargetBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternPagedQueryResult withresults
containing an array of CartDiscount.CartDiscountPagedQueryResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternPattern targets can be used to model Buy and Get discounts.CartDiscountPatternTargetBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternReference to a CartDiscount.CartDiscountReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternIf a referenced Store does not exist, a ReferencedResourceNotFound error is returned.CartDiscountRemoveStoreActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternResourceIdentifier to a CartDiscount.CartDiscountResourceIdentifierBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountSetCustomFieldAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountSetCustomFieldActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountSetCustomTypeAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountSetCustomTypeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountSetDescriptionAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountSetDescriptionActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountSetKeyAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountSetKeyActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternIf a referenced Store does not exist, a ReferencedResourceNotFound error is returned.CartDiscountSetStoresActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountSetValidFromAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountSetValidFromActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountSetValidFromAndUntilAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountSetValidFromAndUntilActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountSetValidUntilAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountSetValidUntilActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternDiscount is applied to the shipping costs of the Cart.CartDiscountShippingCostTargetBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountTarget Example to create a subtype instance using the builder patternCartDiscountTargetBuilderDiscount is applied to the total price of the Cart.CartDiscountTotalPriceTargetBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountUpdate Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountUpdateAction Example to create a subtype instance using the builder patternCartDiscountUpdateActionBuilderCartDiscountUpdateBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountValue Example to create a subtype instance using the builder patternDiscounts the CartDiscountTarget by an absolute amount (not allowed for MultiBuyLineItemsTarget and MultiBuyCustomLineItemsTarget).CartDiscountValueAbsoluteBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountValueAbsoluteDraft Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountValueAbsoluteDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountValueBuilderCartDiscountValueDraft Example to create a subtype instance using the builder patternCartDiscountValueDraftBuilderSets the DiscountedLineItemPrice of the CartDiscountLineItemsTarget or CartDiscountCustomLineItemsTarget to the value specified in themoney
field, if it is lower than the current Line Item price for the same currency.CartDiscountValueFixedBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternSets the DiscountedLineItemPrice of the CartDiscountLineItemsTarget or CartDiscountCustomLineItemsTarget to the value specified in themoney
field, if it is lower than the current Line Item price for the same currency.CartDiscountValueFixedDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountValueGiftLineItem Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountValueGiftLineItemBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCan only be used in a CartDiscountDraft with notarget
specified.CartDiscountValueGiftLineItemDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternDiscounts the CartDiscountTarget relative to its price.CartDiscountValueRelativeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountValueRelativeDraft Example to create an instance using the builder patternCartDiscountValueRelativeDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCountOnCustomLineItemUnits Example to create an instance using the builder patternCountOnCustomLineItemUnitsBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCountOnLineItemUnits Example to create an instance using the builder patternCountOnLineItemUnitsBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternThis mode determines how absolute Discounts are applied on Line Items or Custom Line Items.possible values of DiscountApplicationModeThis Discount target is similar toMultiBuyLineItems
, but is applied on Custom Line Items instead of Line Items.MultiBuyCustomLineItemsTargetBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternMultiBuyLineItemsTarget Example to create an instance using the builder patternMultiBuyLineItemsTargetBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternThe pattern component it used to define a set of units based on some criteria.PatternComponentBuilderDefines which matching items are to be discounted.possible values of SelectionModeDescribes how the Cart Discount interacts with other Discounts.possible values of StackingMode