Package com.commercetools.api.models.common

package com.commercetools.api.models.common
  • Class
    Address type returned by read methods.
    AddressBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    Address type to be used on write methods.
    AddressDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    Asset Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    AssetBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    Dimensions of the Asset source specified by the number of pixels.
    AssetDimensionsBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    AssetDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    AssetDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    Representation of an Asset in a specific format, for example a video in a certain encoding, or an image in a certain resolution.
    AssetSourceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    Indicates the source and method that indirectly created or modified the resource.
    AttributionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    possible values of AttributionSource
    Polymorphic base type that represents a postal address and contact details.
    BaseAddressBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    BaseResource Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    Object that stores money in cent amounts of a specific currency.
    CentPrecisionMoneyBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    This draft type is the alternative to Money.
    CentPrecisionMoneyDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    These objects represent information about which API Client created or modified a resource.
    ClientLoggingBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    IDs and references that created the resource.
    CreatedByBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    DiscountedPrice Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    DiscountedPriceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    DiscountedPriceDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    DiscountedPriceDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    generic reference interface
    GeoJSON Geometry represents a Geometry Object as defined in the GeoJSON standard.
    GeoJsonPoint Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    GeoJsonPointBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    Object that stores money as a fraction of the smallest indivisible unit of a specific currency.
    HighPrecisionMoneyBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    Draft object to store money as a fraction of the smallest indivisible unit for a specific currency.
    HighPrecisionMoneyDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    Image Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    ImageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    ImageDimensions Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    ImageDimensionsBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    A KeyReference represents a loose reference to another resource in the same Project identified by the resource's key field.
    IDs and references that last modified the resource.
    LastModifiedByBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    A localized string is a object where the keys are Locales (HTTP API: ISO language tags), and the values are the corresponding strings used for that language.
    Builder to create a LocalizedString
    Entry of for a LocalizedString
    Interface for resources with meta attributes
    conversion methods for Money classes
    Draft type that stores amounts in cent precision for the specified currency.
    MoneyBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    Determines the type of money used.
    possible values of MoneyType
    Utility methods to convert from MonetaryAmount to Money and vice versa
    PagedQueryResponse Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    PagedQueryResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    The representation for prices embedded in LineItems and in ProductVariants when the ProductPriceMode is Embedded.
    PriceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    The draft representation for prices to be embedded into ProductVariantDrafts when the ProductPriceMode is Embedded.
    PriceDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    A Price tier is selected instead of the default Price when a certain quantity of the ProductVariant is added to a Cart and ordered.
    PriceTierBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    Specifies a Price tier that applies when the minimum quantity for the LineItem of a ProductVariant with the related Price is reached in a Cart.
    PriceTierDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    QueryPrice Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    QueryPriceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    A Reference represents a loose reference to another resource in the same Project identified by its id.
    Type of resource the value should reference.
    possible values of ReferenceTypeId
    Draft type to create a Reference or a KeyReference to a resource.
    Scoped Price is contained in a ProductVariant which is returned in response to a Product Projection Search request when Scoped Price Search is used.
    ScopedPriceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    Base polymorphic read-only money type that stores currency in cent precision or high precision, that is in sub-cents.
    Base polymorphic money type containing common fields for Money and HighPrecisionMoneyDraft.
    Update Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    UpdateAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    UpdateActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    UpdateBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
    an object with a localized Slug