Package com.commercetools.api.models.order
package com.commercetools.api.models.order
ClassDescriptionCustom Line Items contain generic user-defined items that are not linked to Products.CustomLineItemImportDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternCustomLineItemReturnItem Example to create an instance using the builder patternCustomLineItemReturnItemBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternContains information on how items are shipped to Customers, for example, a delivery note.DeliveryBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternDeliveryDraft Example to create an instance using the builder patternDeliveryDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternDeliveryItem Example to create an instance using the builder patternDeliveryItemBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternDiscountedLineItemPriceDraft Example to create an instance using the builder patternDiscountedLineItemPriceDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternHit Example to create an instance using the builder patternHitBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternItemState Example to create an instance using the builder patternItemStateBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternRepresents a snapshot of a Product Variant at the time it was imported with the Order.LineItemImportDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternLineItemReturnItem Example to create an instance using the builder patternLineItemReturnItemBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrder Example to create an instance using the builder patternA Delivery can only be added to an Order if its
), or itsshipping
) exists.OrderAddDeliveryActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternAdds an address to an Order when shipping to multiple addresses is desired.OrderAddItemShippingAddressActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternTo add a Parcel, at least one Delivery must exist.OrderAddParcelToDeliveryActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderAddPaymentAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderAddPaymentActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternProduces the Return Info Added Message.OrderAddReturnInfoActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternProduces the Order State Changed Message.OrderChangeOrderStateActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternProduces the Order Payment State Changed Message.OrderChangePaymentStateActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternProduces the Order Shipment State Changed Message.OrderChangeShipmentStateActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderFromCartDraft Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderFromCartDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderFromQuoteDraft Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderFromQuoteDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternThe import of States does not follow any predefined rules and should be only used if no transitions are defined.OrderImportCustomLineItemStateActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternA snapshot of an Order at the time it was imported.OrderImportDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternThe import of States does not follow any predefined rules and should be only used if no transitions are defined.OrderImportLineItemStateActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternInterface to collect the common stuff between carts and orders.PagedQueryResult withresults
containing an array of Order.OrderPagedQueryResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderPagedSearchResponse Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderPagedSearchResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternReference to an Order.OrderReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternProduces the DeliveryRemoved Message.OrderRemoveDeliveryActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternAn address can only be removed if it is not referenced in any ItemShippingTarget of the Cart.OrderRemoveItemShippingAddressActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternProduces the ParcelRemovedFromDelivery Message.OrderRemoveParcelFromDeliveryActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderRemovePaymentAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderRemovePaymentActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternDeprecated.Deprecated.OrderSearchAndExpression Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchAndExpressionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchAnyValue Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchAnyValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchCompoundExpression Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchCompoundExpressionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternPossible values for thecustomType
property on simple expressions indicating the data type of thefield
.possible values of OrderSearchCustomTypeOrderSearchDateRangeExpression Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchDateRangeExpressionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchDateRangeValue Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchDateRangeValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchExactExpression Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchExactExpressionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchExistsExpression Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchExistsExpressionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchFilterExpression Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchFilterExpressionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchFullTextExpression Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchFullTextExpressionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchFullTextValue Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchFullTextValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchLongRangeExpression Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchLongRangeExpressionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchLongRangeValue Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchLongRangeValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchMatchTypepossible values of OrderSearchMatchTypeOrderSearchNotExpression Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchNotExpressionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchNumberRangeExpression Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchNumberRangeExpressionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchNumberRangeValue Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchNumberRangeValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchOrExpression Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchOrExpressionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchPrefixExpression Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchPrefixExpressionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchQuery Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchQueryBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchQueryExpression Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchQueryExpressionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchQueryExpressionValue Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchQueryExpressionValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchRequest Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchRequestBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchSorting Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchSortingBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchSortModepossible values of OrderSearchSortModeOrderSearchSortOrderpossible values of OrderSearchSortOrderOrderSearchStringValue Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchStringValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchWildCardExpression Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSearchWildCardExpressionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternThis action updates thebillingAddress
on the Order, but it does not change the billing address on the referenced Cart from which the Order is created.OrderSetBillingAddressActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetBillingAddressCustomFieldAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetBillingAddressCustomFieldActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetBillingAddressCustomTypeAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetBillingAddressCustomTypeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternThis action updates thecustomerEmail
on the Order, but it does not change the Customer email on the Cart the Order has been created from.OrderSetCustomerEmailActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternSetting the Order'scustomerId
does not recalculate prices or discounts on the Order.OrderSetCustomerIdActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetCustomFieldAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetCustomFieldActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetCustomLineItemCustomFieldAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetCustomLineItemCustomFieldActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetCustomLineItemCustomTypeAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetCustomLineItemCustomTypeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetCustomLineItemShippingDetailsAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetCustomLineItemShippingDetailsActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetCustomTypeAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetCustomTypeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternProduces the DeliveryAddressSet Message.OrderSetDeliveryAddressActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetDeliveryAddressCustomFieldAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetDeliveryAddressCustomFieldActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetDeliveryAddressCustomTypeAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetDeliveryAddressCustomTypeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetDeliveryCustomFieldAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetDeliveryCustomFieldActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetDeliveryCustomTypeAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetDeliveryCustomTypeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternProduces the Delivery Items Updated Message.OrderSetDeliveryItemsActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetItemShippingAddressCustomFieldAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetItemShippingAddressCustomFieldActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetItemShippingAddressCustomTypeAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetItemShippingAddressCustomTypeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetLineItemCustomFieldAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetLineItemCustomFieldActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetLineItemCustomTypeAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetLineItemCustomTypeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetLineItemShippingDetailsAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetLineItemShippingDetailsActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetLocaleAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetLocaleActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetOrderNumberAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetOrderNumberActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetParcelCustomFieldAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetParcelCustomFieldActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetParcelCustomTypeAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetParcelCustomTypeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternProduces the ParcelItemsUpdated Message.OrderSetParcelItemsActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternProduces the ParcelMeasurementsUpdated Message.OrderSetParcelMeasurementsActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternProduces the ParcelTrackingDataUpdated Message.OrderSetParcelTrackingDataActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternProduces the PurchaseOrderNumberSet Message.OrderSetPurchaseOrderNumberActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternProduces the Return Info Set Message.OrderSetReturnInfoActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetReturnItemCustomFieldAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetReturnItemCustomFieldActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetReturnItemCustomTypeAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetReturnItemCustomTypeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternTo set a ReturnPaymentState, the OrderreturnInfo
must have at least one ReturnItem.OrderSetReturnPaymentStateActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternTo set aReturnShipmentState
, the OrderreturnInfo
must have at least one ReturnItem.OrderSetReturnShipmentStateActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternThis action updates theshippingAddress
on the Order, but it does not change the shipping address on the referenced Cart from which the Order is created.OrderSetShippingAddressActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetShippingAddressCustomFieldAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetShippingAddressCustomFieldActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetShippingAddressCustomTypeAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetShippingAddressCustomTypeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetShippingCustomFieldAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderSetShippingCustomFieldActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternThis action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing Custom Type and Custom Fields for the Order'sshippingMethod
.OrderSetShippingCustomTypeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternSets the Store the Order is assigned to.OrderSetStoreActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternIndicates the state of the Order.possible values of OrderStateProduces the Custom Line Item State Transition Message.OrderTransitionCustomLineItemStateActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternProduces the Line Item State Transition Message.OrderTransitionLineItemStateActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternIf the existing State has settransitions
, there must be a direct transition to the new State.OrderTransitionStateActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderUpdate Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderUpdateAction Example to create a subtype instance using the builder patternOrderUpdateActionBuilderOrderUpdateBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternUpdates an address initemShippingAddresses
by keeping the Addresskey
.OrderUpdateItemShippingAddressActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderUpdateSyncInfoAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternOrderUpdateSyncInfoActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternInformation regarding the appearance, content, and shipment of a Parcel.ParcelBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternParcelDraft Example to create an instance using the builder patternParcelDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternParcelMeasurements Example to create an instance using the builder patternParcelMeasurementsBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternPaymentInfo Example to create an instance using the builder patternPaymentInfoBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternIndicates the payment status for the Order.possible values of PaymentStateContains the Product Variant to be used in the LineItemImportDraft.ProductVariantImportDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternStores information about returns connected to an Order.ReturnInfoBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternReturnInfoDraft Example to create an instance using the builder patternReturnInfoDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternReturnItem Example to create a subtype instance using the builder patternReturnItemBuilderReturnItemDraft Example to create an instance using the builder patternReturnItemDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternReturnPaymentStatepossible values of ReturnPaymentStateReturnShipmentStatepossible values of ReturnShipmentStateIndicates the shipment status of the Order.possible values of ShipmentStateBecomes theshippingInfo
of the imported Order.ShippingInfoImportDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternStagedOrderUpdateAction Example to create a subtype instance using the builder patternStagedOrderUpdateActionBuilderContains synchronization activity information of the Order (like export or import).SyncInfoBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternTaxedItemPriceDraft Example to create an instance using the builder patternTaxedItemPriceDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternInformation that helps track a Parcel.TrackingDataBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern