Package com.commercetools.api.models.type
package com.commercetools.api.models.type
ClassDescriptionField type for Boolean values.CustomFieldBooleanTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternField type for DateTime values.CustomFieldDateTimeTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternField type for Date values.CustomFieldDateTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternField type for enum values.CustomFieldEnumTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternDefines an allowed value of a CustomFieldEnumType field.CustomFieldEnumValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternField type for localized enum values.CustomFieldLocalizedEnumTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternDefines an allowed value of a CustomFieldLocalizedEnumType field.CustomFieldLocalizedEnumValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternField type for LocalizedString values.CustomFieldLocalizedStringTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternField type for CentPrecisionMoney values.CustomFieldMoneyTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternField type for number values.CustomFieldNumberTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternField type for Reference values.CustomFieldReferenceTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternDefines which resource type a CustomFieldReferenceType can reference.possible values of CustomFieldReferenceValueServes as value of the
field on a resource or data type customized with a Type.Accessor for retrieving type safe custom field valuesCustomFieldsBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternThe representation used when creating or updating a customizable data type with Custom Fields.CustomFieldsDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternValues of a SetType Custom Field are sets of values of the specifiedelementType
(without duplicate elements).CustomFieldSetTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternField type for string values.CustomFieldStringTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternField type for Time values.CustomFieldTimeTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternFieldContainer Example to create an instance using the builder patternFieldContainerBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternDefines a Custom Field and its meta-information.FieldDefinitionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternFieldType Example to create a subtype instance using the builder patternFieldTypeBuilderWith Types, you can model your own Custom Fields on the following resources and data types.possible values of ResourceTypeIdType Example to create an instance using the builder patternAdds a value to an EnumType.TypeAddEnumValueActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternDefines a new field for a Type.TypeAddFieldDefinitionActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternAdds a value to a LocalizedEnumType.TypeAddLocalizedEnumValueActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternChanges thelabel
of an EnumValue of an EnumType FieldDefinition.TypeChangeEnumValueLabelActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternChanges the order of EnumValues in an EnumType FieldDefinition.TypeChangeEnumValueOrderActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternTypeChangeFieldDefinitionOrderAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternTypeChangeFieldDefinitionOrderActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternChanges theinputHint
of CustomFieldStringType FieldDefinition, a CustomFieldLocalizedStringType FieldDefinition, and CustomFieldSetType FieldDefinition of these string-based FieldTypes.TypeChangeInputHintActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternTypeChangeKeyAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternTypeChangeKeyActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternTypeChangeLabelAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternTypeChangeLabelActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternChanges thelabel
of a LocalizedEnumValue of a LocalizedEnumType FieldDefinition.TypeChangeLocalizedEnumValueLabelActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternChanges the order of LocalizedEnumValues in a LocalizedEnumType FieldDefinition.TypeChangeLocalizedEnumValueOrderActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternTypeChangeNameAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternTypeChangeNameActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternTypeDraft Example to create an instance using the builder patternTypeDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternPagedQueryResult withresults
containing an array of Types.TypePagedQueryResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternReference to a Type.TypeReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternTypeRemoveFieldDefinitionAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternTypeRemoveFieldDefinitionActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternResourceIdentifier of a Type.TypeResourceIdentifierBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternTypeSetDescriptionAction Example to create an instance using the builder patternTypeSetDescriptionActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternProvides a visual representation type for this field.possible values of TypeTextInputHintTypeUpdate Example to create an instance using the builder patternTypeUpdateAction Example to create a subtype instance using the builder patternTypeUpdateActionBuilderTypeUpdateBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern