Class Authentication


public class Authentication extends Object
Table of content


Client credentials flow

The ApiRootBuilder.defaultClient(ClientCredentials, ServiceRegionConfig) and the ClientBuilder.defaultClient(ClientCredentials, ServiceRegionConfig) methods will configure the client to use client credentials flow for authenthication. To explicitly configure this flow use the ApiRootBuilder.withClientCredentialsFlow(ClientCredentials, URI) methods

Static token

When you want to use a static token e.g. provided by an external oauth service you can use the ApiRootBuilder.withStaticTokenFlow(AuthenticationToken) method to configure the client with the existing token.

Anonymous and RefreshToken flow

The ApiRootBuilder.withAnonymousRefreshFlow(ClientCredentials, ServiceRegion, TokenStorage) methods configure a stack of TokenProviders which first try to get a token from the TokenStorage. If there is no token it will request a token using anonymous token flow. If the token is invalid the RefreshFlowTokenSupplier will try to refresh the token.

This method can be combined with th GlobalCustomerPasswordTokenSupplier to request a customer bound token and save it in the TokenStorage.

Standalone anonymous session flow

The AnonymousSessionTokenSupplier requests an anonymous token only without fallback to a refresh token flow. This supplier can be configured with ApiRootBuilder.withAnonymousSessionFlow(ClientCredentials, String)

Password flow

The ApiRootBuilder.withGlobalCustomerPasswordFlow(ClientCredentials, String, String, String) method can be used to configure a client with a token issued to a specific customer. It will configure the client to use the GlobalCustomerPasswordTokenSupplier for authentication.


The token introspection provided by the API can't be used directly with the SDK clients. You will have to call the introspection endpoint with the token to check separately.

// retrieve a token

ClientCredentials credentials = ClientCredentials.of()
ClientCredentialsTokenSupplier tokenSupplier = new ClientCredentialsTokenSupplier(credentials.getClientId(),
    credentials.getClientSecret(), "", ServiceRegion.GCP_EUROPE_WEST1.getOAuthTokenUrl(),
final AuthenticationToken token = tokenSupplier.getToken().get();

// client to be used for calling introspection endpoint
ApiHttpClient client = ClientBuilder.of().defaultClient(ServiceRegion.GCP_EUROPE_WEST1.getAuthUrl()).build();

// build the introspection request
final String auth = Base64.getEncoder()
            (credentials.getClientId() + ":" + credentials.getClientSecret()).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

final ApiHttpHeaders headers = new ApiHttpHeaders()
        .withHeader(ApiHttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, format("Basic %s", auth))
        .withHeader(ApiHttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
final String body = "token=" + token.getAccessToken();

final ApiHttpRequest request = new ApiHttpRequest(ApiHttpMethod.POST,
    URI.create(ServiceRegion.GCP_EUROPE_WEST1.getAuthUrl() + "/oauth/introspect"), headers,

// call the introspection endpoint and map to the TokenIntrospection class
final ApiHttpResponse<TokenIntrospection> tokenIntrospection = client.execute(request)
        .thenApply(apiHttpResponse -> client.getSerializerService()
                .convertResponse(apiHttpResponse, TokenIntrospection.class))


See the test code.

Token revocation

The token revocation provided by the API can't be used directly with the SDK client. You will have to call the endpoint with the token to be revoked separately.

// retrieve a token
ClientCredentials credentials = ClientCredentials.of()
ClientCredentialsTokenSupplier tokenSupplier = new ClientCredentialsTokenSupplier(credentials.getClientId(),
    credentials.getClientSecret(), "", ServiceRegion.GCP_EUROPE_WEST1.getOAuthTokenUrl(),
final AuthenticationToken token = tokenSupplier.getToken().get();

// client to be used for calling introspection endpoint
ApiHttpClient client = ClientBuilder.of().defaultClient(ServiceRegion.GCP_EUROPE_WEST1.getAuthUrl()).build();

final String auth = Base64.getEncoder()
            (credentials.getClientId() + ":" + credentials.getClientSecret()).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
final ApiHttpHeaders headers = new ApiHttpHeaders()
        .withHeader(ApiHttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, format("Basic %s", auth))
        .withHeader(ApiHttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

// build the revoke request
final String revokeBody = "token=" + token.getAccessToken() + "&token_type_hint=access_token";
final ApiHttpRequest revokeRequest = new ApiHttpRequest(ApiHttpMethod.POST,
    URI.create(ServiceRegion.GCP_EUROPE_WEST1.getAuthUrl() + "/oauth/token/revoke"), headers,

// call the revoke endpoint
final ApiHttpResponse<byte[]> revokeToken = client.execute(revokeRequest).get();
Assertions.assertEquals(HttpStatusCode.OK_200, revokeToken.getStatusCode());

// build the introspection request
final String introspectBody = "token=" + token.getAccessToken();
final ApiHttpRequest introspectRequest = new ApiHttpRequest(ApiHttpMethod.POST,
    URI.create(ServiceRegion.GCP_EUROPE_WEST1.getAuthUrl() + "/oauth/introspect"), headers,

// call the introspection endpoint and map to the TokenIntrospection class
final ApiHttpResponse<TokenIntrospection> tokenIntrospection = client.execute(introspectRequest)
        .thenApply(apiHttpResponse -> client.getSerializerService()
                .convertResponse(apiHttpResponse, TokenIntrospection.class))


See the test code.

  • Constructor Details

    • Authentication

      public Authentication()