Package com.commercetools.importapi.models.products
package com.commercetools.importapi.models.products
ClassDescriptionCustomTokenizer Example to create an instance using the builder patternCustomTokenizerBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternThe data representation for a Product to be imported that is persisted as a Product in the Project.ProductImportBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternSearchKeyword Example to create an instance using the builder patternSearchKeywordBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternSearch keywords are primarily used by the suggester but are also considered for the full-text search.SearchKeywordsBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder patternThe tokenizer defines the tokens that are used to match against the Suggest Query input.SuggestTokenizerBuilderWhitespaceTokenizer Example to create an instance using the builder patternWhitespaceTokenizerBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern