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Important Usage Tips

Customized ProjectApiRoot Creation

When creating a customized ProjectApiRoot the following remarks should be considered:

  • Limit the number of concurrent requests done to CTP. This can be done by adding a QueueMiddleware to the ApiRootBuilder QueueMiddleware

  • Retry on 5xx errors with a retry strategy. This can be achieved by adding a RetryRequestMiddleware to the ApiRootBuilder RetryRequestMiddleware

If you have no special requirements on the client creation, then you can use the ClientConfigurationUtils#createClient util which applies the best practices for ProjectApiRoot creation. To understand how to initialize those method arguments, please refer to the unit test

To tune / customize your client please refer to Client Tuning

Tuning the Sync Process

The sync library is not meant to be executed in a parallel fashion. For example:

final ProductSync productSync = new ProductSync(syncOptions);
final CompletableFuture<ProductSyncStatistics> syncFuture1 = productSync.sync(batch1).toCompletableFuture();
final CompletableFuture<ProductSyncStatistics> syncFuture2 = productSync.sync(batch2).toCompletableFuture();
CompletableFuture.allOf(syncFuture1, syncFuture2).join;
The aforementioned example demonstrates how the library should NOT be used. The library, however, should be instead used in a sequential fashion:
final ProductSync productSync = new ProductSync(syncOptions);
           .thenCompose(result -> productSync.sync(batch2))
By design, scaling the sync process should not be done by executing the batches themselves in parallel. However, it can be done either by:

  • Changing the number of max parallel requests within the projectApiRoot configuration. It defines how many requests the client can execute in parallel.
  • or changing the draft batch size. It defines how many drafts can one batch contains.

The current overridable default configuration of the projectApiRoot is the recommended good balance for stability and performance for the sync process.

In order to exploit the number of max parallel requests, the batch size should have a value set that is equal or higher.