Class ProductSyncUtils

  • public final class ProductSyncUtils
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String TEMPORARY_MASTER_SKU_SUFFIX
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • buildActions

        public static java.util.List<com.commercetools.api.models.product.ProductUpdateAction> buildActions​(@Nonnull
                                                                                                            com.commercetools.api.models.product.ProductProjection oldProduct,
                                                                                                            com.commercetools.api.models.product.ProductDraft newProduct,
                                                                                                            ProductSyncOptions syncOptions,
                                                                                                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​AttributeMetaData> attributesMetaData)
        Compares all the fields (including the variants see ProductUpdateActionUtils.buildVariantsUpdateActions(ProductProjection, ProductDraft, com.commercetools.sync.products.ProductSyncOptions, Map)) of a ProductProjection and a ProductDraft, given that each of these fields pass the specified SyncFilter. It returns a List of ProductUpdateAction<Product> as a result. If no update action is needed, for example in case where both the ProductProjection and the ProductDraft have the same names, an empty List is returned. Then it applies a specified filter function in the ProductSyncOptions instance on the resultant list and returns this result.
        oldProduct - the productprojection which should be updated.
        newProduct - the product draft where we get the new data.
        syncOptions - the sync options wrapper which contains options related to the sync process supplied by the user. For example, custom callbacks to call in case of warnings or errors occurring on the build update action process. And other options (See ProductSyncOptions for more info).
        attributesMetaData - a map of attribute name -> AttributeMetaData; which defines each attribute's information: its name and whether it has the constraint "SameForAll" or not.
        A list of product-specific update actions.
      • buildCategoryActions

        public static java.util.List<com.commercetools.api.models.product.ProductUpdateAction> buildCategoryActions​(@Nonnull
                                                                                                                    com.commercetools.api.models.product.ProductProjection oldProduct,
                                                                                                                    com.commercetools.api.models.product.ProductDraft newProduct)
        Compares the categories of a ProductProjection and a ProductDraft. It returns a List of ProductUpdateAction<Product> as a result. If no update action is needed, for example in case where both the ProductProjection and the ProductDraft have the identical categories, an empty List is returned.
        oldProduct - the productprojection which should be updated.
        newProduct - the product draft where we get the new data.
        A list of product category-related update actions.