Class ProductTypeReferenceResolver

    • Method Detail

      • resolveReferences

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<io.sphere.sdk.producttypes.ProductTypeDraft> resolveReferences​(@Nonnull
                                                                                                                   io.sphere.sdk.producttypes.ProductTypeDraft productTypeDraft)
        Given a ProductTypeDraft this method attempts to resolve the attribute definition references to return a CompletionStage which contains a new instance of the draft with the resolved references.
        Specified by:
        resolveReferences in class BaseReferenceResolver<io.sphere.sdk.producttypes.ProductTypeDraft,​ProductTypeSyncOptions>
        productTypeDraft - the productTypeDraft to resolve its references.
        a CompletionStage that contains as a result a new productTypeDraft instance with resolved references or, in case an error occurs during reference resolution, a ReferenceResolutionException.