
Managing Queues

Managing queues is made using the QueueAdministration. You can acquire an instance through a QueueClient by using the administration() method. A QueueAdministration instance is not associated to any specific queue. The queue to operate on will be provided in each administration method.

import cats.effect.IO

import com.commercetools.queue.{QueueAdministration, QueueClient}

def client: QueueClient[IO] = ???

def admin: QueueAdministration[IO] =

Create a queue

A queue can be created by using the create() method. You need to provide the message TTL and lock TTL together with the new queue name. The different TTLs are defined at queue level and will affect messages published and subscribers.

import scala.concurrent.duration._

admin.create("my-queue", messageTTL = 14.days, lockTTL = 2.minutes)

The lockTTL parameter has an influence on the behavior of the subscriber methods and streams. If you change it at runtime, you should restart the subscribing streams to ensure they are taken into account.

Check if queue exists

You can check the existence of a queue in the queue system by calling the exists() method.


Update queue properties

The queue TTLs can be updated for an existing queue by using the update() method. The method accepts both TTLs as Option[FiniteDuration] with a default value of None. Only the defined TTLs will be updated. Values that are not provided are left unchanged.

import scala.concurrent.duration._

// only updates the lock TTL
admin.update("my-queue", lockTTL = Some(5.minutes))

// updates both the message and lock TTLs
admin.update("my-queue", messageTTL = Some(1.day), lockTTL = Some(5.minutes))

Delete a queue

You can delete an existing queue by calling the delete() method.
