

fs2-queues comes with several queue system implementations. Each of them implements the QueueClient abstraction with the various interfaces it gives access to.

Each implementations comes with its own way to get access to a client, depending on the underlying SDK. Please have a look at the provider documentation to see the different ways to instantiate the clients.

Add your own provider

To add a new queue system, you need to implement the QueueClient abstraction and all abstractions it gives access to. To validate your implementation, we provide a testkit, which runs a series of tests that need to pass to ensure the abstraction behavior is working. All what is needed to implement the integration tests in the testkit is to implement the QueueClientSuite class and provide a way to instantiate your client as a Resource.

import cats.effect.{IO,  Resource}
import com.commercetools.queue.{
import com.commercetools.queue.testkit.QueueClientSuite

class MyQueueClient[F[_]] extends QueueClient[F] {
  def administration: QueueAdministration[F] = ???
  def publish[T: Serializer](name: String): QueuePublisher[F,T] = ???
  def subscribe[T: Deserializer](name: String): QueueSubscriber[F,T] = ???


object MyQueueClient {
  def apply[F[_]](): Resource[F, MyQueueClient[F]] = ???

// Running this test suite will run all the testkit test
class MyQueueClientSuite extends QueueClientSuite {

  override def client: Resource[IO, QueueClient[IO]] =
