
GCP PubSub

You can create a client to service bus queues by using the GCP PubSub module.

libraryDependencies += "com.commercetools" %% "fs2-queues-gcp-pubsub" % "0.1.0-23-b6be5e6-SNAPSHOT"

For instance you can create a managed client via a region and credentials as follows.

import cats.effect.IO
import com.commercetools.queue.gcp.pubsub._
import com.google.api.gax.core.GoogleCredentialsProvider

val project = "my-project" // your project
val credentials = GoogleCredentialsProvider.newBuilder().build() // however you want to authenticate

PubSubClient[IO](project, credentials).use { client =>

The client is managed, meaning that it uses a dedicated HTTP connection pool that will get shut down upon resource release.

If integrating with an existing code base where you already have an instance of TransportChannelProvider that you would like to share, you can use the unmanaged construtor. In this case, it is up to you to manage the channel provider life cycle.