Interface SearchFieldType

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public interface SearchFieldType extends JsonEnum

Possible values for the fieldType property on query expressions indicating the data type of the field.

  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static enum 
    possible values of SearchFieldType
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final SearchFieldType
    For Boolean fields, AttributeBooleanType Attributes, and BooleanType Custom Fields.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For Date fields, AttributeDateType Attributes, and DateType Custom Fields.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For DateTime fields, AttributeDateTimeType Attributes, and DateTimeType Custom Fields.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For enum fields, AttributeEnumType Attributes, and EnumType Custom Fields.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For localized enum fields, AttributeLocalizedEnumType Attributes, and LocalizedEnumType Custom Fields.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For LocalizedString fields, AttributeLocalizableTextType Attributes, and LocalizedStringType Custom Fields.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For Money fields and AttributeMoneyType Attributes.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For number fields, AttributeNumberType Attributes, and NumberType Custom Fields.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For Reference fields and AttributeReferenceType Attributes.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For Set of Boolean fields, AttributeSetType of boolean Attributes, and SetType of boolean Custom Fields.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For Set of Date fields, AttributeSetType of date Attributes, and SetType of date Custom Fields.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For Set of DateTime fields, AttributeSetType of datetime Attributes, and SetType of datetime Custom Fields.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For Set of enum fields, AttributeSetType of enum Attributes, and SetType of enum Custom Fields.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For Set of localized enum fields, AttributeSetType of lenum Attributes, and SetType of lenum Custom Fields.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For Set of LocalizedString fields, AttributeSetType of ltext Attributes, and SetType of ltext Custom Fields.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For Set of Money fields and AttributeSetType of money Attributes.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For Set of number fields, AttributeSetType of number Attributes, and SetType of number Custom Fields.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For Set of Reference fields and AttributeSetType of reference Attributes.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For Set of string fields, AttributeSetType of text Attributes, and SetType of text Custom Fields.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For Set of Time fields, AttributeSetType of time Attributes, and SetType of time Custom Fields.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For string fields, AttributeTextType Attributes, and StringType Custom Fields.
    static final SearchFieldType
    For Time fields, AttributeTimeType Attributes, and TimeType Custom Fields.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    factory method for a enum value of SearchFieldType if no enum has been found an anonymous instance will be created
    method to find enum using the JSON value
    the JSON value
    the enum value
    convert value to string
    possible enum values
  • Field Details


      static final SearchFieldType BOOLEAN

      For Boolean fields, AttributeBooleanType Attributes, and BooleanType Custom Fields.

    • TEXT

      static final SearchFieldType TEXT

      For string fields, AttributeTextType Attributes, and StringType Custom Fields.

    • LTEXT

      static final SearchFieldType LTEXT

      For LocalizedString fields, AttributeLocalizableTextType Attributes, and LocalizedStringType Custom Fields.

    • ENUM

      static final SearchFieldType ENUM

      For enum fields, AttributeEnumType Attributes, and EnumType Custom Fields.

    • LENUM

      static final SearchFieldType LENUM

      For localized enum fields, AttributeLocalizedEnumType Attributes, and LocalizedEnumType Custom Fields.

    • NUMBER

      static final SearchFieldType NUMBER

      For number fields, AttributeNumberType Attributes, and NumberType Custom Fields.

    • MONEY

      static final SearchFieldType MONEY

      For Money fields and AttributeMoneyType Attributes.

    • DATE

      static final SearchFieldType DATE

      For Date fields, AttributeDateType Attributes, and DateType Custom Fields.


      static final SearchFieldType DATETIME

      For DateTime fields, AttributeDateTimeType Attributes, and DateTimeType Custom Fields.

    • TIME

      static final SearchFieldType TIME

      For Time fields, AttributeTimeType Attributes, and TimeType Custom Fields.


      static final SearchFieldType REFERENCE

      For Reference fields and AttributeReferenceType Attributes.


      static final SearchFieldType SET_BOOLEAN

      For Set of Boolean fields, AttributeSetType of boolean Attributes, and SetType of boolean Custom Fields.

    • SET_TEXT

      static final SearchFieldType SET_TEXT

      For Set of string fields, AttributeSetType of text Attributes, and SetType of text Custom Fields.


      static final SearchFieldType SET_LTEXT

      For Set of LocalizedString fields, AttributeSetType of ltext Attributes, and SetType of ltext Custom Fields.

    • SET_ENUM

      static final SearchFieldType SET_ENUM

      For Set of enum fields, AttributeSetType of enum Attributes, and SetType of enum Custom Fields.


      static final SearchFieldType SET_LENUM

      For Set of localized enum fields, AttributeSetType of lenum Attributes, and SetType of lenum Custom Fields.


      static final SearchFieldType SET_NUMBER

      For Set of number fields, AttributeSetType of number Attributes, and SetType of number Custom Fields.


      static final SearchFieldType SET_MONEY

      For Set of Money fields and AttributeSetType of money Attributes.

    • SET_DATE

      static final SearchFieldType SET_DATE

      For Set of Date fields, AttributeSetType of date Attributes, and SetType of date Custom Fields.


      static final SearchFieldType SET_DATETIME

      For Set of DateTime fields, AttributeSetType of datetime Attributes, and SetType of datetime Custom Fields.

    • SET_TIME

      static final SearchFieldType SET_TIME

      For Set of Time fields, AttributeSetType of time Attributes, and SetType of time Custom Fields.


      static final SearchFieldType SET_REFERENCE

      For Set of Reference fields and AttributeSetType of reference Attributes.

  • Method Details

    • getJsonName

      String getJsonName()
      the JSON value
      Specified by:
      getJsonName in interface JsonEnum
      json value
    • name

      String name()
      the enum value
      Specified by:
      name in interface JsonEnum
    • toString

      String toString()
      convert value to string
      Specified by:
      toString in interface JsonEnum
      toString in class Object
      string representation
    • findEnum

      static SearchFieldType findEnum(String value)
      factory method for a enum value of SearchFieldType if no enum has been found an anonymous instance will be created
      value - the enum value to be wrapped
      enum instance
    • findEnumViaJsonName

      static Optional<SearchFieldType> findEnumViaJsonName(String jsonName)
      method to find enum using the JSON value
      jsonName - the json value to be wrapped
      optional of enum instance
    • values

      static SearchFieldType[] values()
      possible enum values
      array of possible enum values