Either variantId or sku is required to reference a ProductVariant that exists.

interface ProductTailoringAddAssetAction {
    action: "addAsset";
    asset: AssetDraft;
    position?: number;
    sku?: string;
    staged?: boolean;
    variantId?: number;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


action: "addAsset"
asset: AssetDraft

Value to append.

position?: number

Position in assets where the Asset should be put. When specified, the value must be between 0 and the total number of Assets minus 1.

sku?: string

The sku of the tailored ProductVariant to update.

staged?: boolean

If true, only the staged assets are updated. If false, both the current and staged assets are updated.

variantId?: number

The id of the tailored ProductVariant to update.