Class ProductReferenceResolver

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String FAILED_TO_RESOLVE_REFERENCE
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PRODUCT_TYPE_DOES_NOT_EXIST
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String TAX_CATEGORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CATEGORIES_DO_NOT_EXIST
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String STATE_DOES_NOT_EXIST
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProductReferenceResolver

        public ProductReferenceResolver​(@Nonnull
                                        ProductSyncOptions productSyncOptions,
                                        ProductTypeService productTypeService,
                                        CategoryService categoryService,
                                        TypeService typeService,
                                        ChannelService channelService,
                                        CustomerGroupService customerGroupService,
                                        TaxCategoryService taxCategoryService,
                                        StateService stateService,
                                        ProductService productService,
                                        CustomObjectService customObjectService,
                                        CustomerService customerService)
        Takes a ProductSyncOptions instance, a ProductTypeService, a CategoryService, a TypeService, a ChannelService, a CustomerGroupService, a TaxCategoryService, a StateService and a ProductService to instantiate a ProductReferenceResolver instance that could be used to resolve the product type, categories, variants, tax category and product state references of product drafts in the CTP project specified in the injected ProductSyncOptions instance.
        productSyncOptions - the container of all the options of the sync process including the CTP project client and/or configuration and other sync-specific options.
        productTypeService - the service to fetch the product type for reference resolution.
        categoryService - the service to fetch the categories for reference resolution.
        typeService - the service to fetch the custom types for reference resolution.
        channelService - the service to fetch the channels for reference resolution.
        customerGroupService - the service to fetch the customer groups for reference resolution.
        taxCategoryService - the service to fetch tax categories for reference resolution.
        stateService - the service to fetch product states for reference resolution.
        productService - the service to fetch products for product reference resolution on reference attributes.
        customObjectService - the service to fetch custom objects for reference resolution.
        customerService - the service to fetch customers for reference resolution.
    • Method Detail

      • resolveReferences

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<io.sphere.sdk.products.ProductDraft> resolveReferences​(@Nonnull
                                                                                                           io.sphere.sdk.products.ProductDraft productDraft)
        Given a ProductDraft this method attempts to resolve the product type, categories, variants, tax category and product state references to return a CompletionStage which contains a new instance of the draft with the resolved references.
        Specified by:
        resolveReferences in class BaseReferenceResolver<io.sphere.sdk.products.ProductDraft,​ProductSyncOptions>
        productDraft - the productDraft to resolve it's references.
        a CompletionStage that contains as a result a new productDraft instance with resolved references or, in case an error occurs during reference resolution, a ReferenceResolutionException.
      • resolveProductTypeReference

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<io.sphere.sdk.products.ProductDraftBuilder> resolveProductTypeReference​(@Nonnull
                                                                                                                            io.sphere.sdk.products.ProductDraftBuilder draftBuilder)
        Given a ProductDraftBuilder this method attempts to resolve the product type to return a CompletionStage which contains a new instance of the builder with the resolved product type reference.
        draftBuilder - the productDraft to resolve its product type reference.
        a CompletionStage that contains as a result a new builder instance with resolved product type reference or, in case an error occurs during reference resolution, a ReferenceResolutionException.
      • resolveCategoryReferences

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<io.sphere.sdk.products.ProductDraftBuilder> resolveCategoryReferences​(@Nonnull
                                                                                                                          io.sphere.sdk.products.ProductDraftBuilder draftBuilder)
        Given a ProductDraftBuilder this method attempts to resolve the categories and categoryOrderHints to return a CompletionStage which contains a new instance of the builder with the resolved references.
        draftBuilder - the productDraft to resolve its category and categoryOrderHints references.
        a CompletionStage that contains as a result a new builder instance with resolved references or, in case an error occurs during reference resolution, a ReferenceResolutionException.
      • resolveTaxCategoryReference

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<io.sphere.sdk.products.ProductDraftBuilder> resolveTaxCategoryReference​(@Nonnull
                                                                                                                            io.sphere.sdk.products.ProductDraftBuilder draftBuilder)
        Given a ProductDraftBuilder this method attempts to resolve the tax category to return a CompletionStage which contains a new instance of the builder with the resolved tax category reference.
        draftBuilder - the productDraft to resolve its tax category reference.
        a CompletionStage that contains as a result a new builder instance with resolved tax category reference or, in case an error occurs during reference resolution, a ReferenceResolutionException.
      • resolveStateReference

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<io.sphere.sdk.products.ProductDraftBuilder> resolveStateReference​(@Nonnull
                                                                                                                      io.sphere.sdk.products.ProductDraftBuilder draftBuilder)
        Given a ProductDraftBuilder this method attempts to resolve the state to return a CompletionStage which contains a new instance of the builder with the resolved state reference.

        Note: The key of the state reference taken from the value of the id field of the reference.

        draftBuilder - the productDraft to resolve its state reference.
        a CompletionStage that contains as a result a new builder instance with resolved state reference or, in case an error occurs during reference resolution, the future is completed exceptionally with a ReferenceResolutionException.
      • populateKeyToIdCachesForReferencedKeys

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String>> populateKeyToIdCachesForReferencedKeys​(@Nonnull
                                                                                                                                                     ProductBatchValidator.ReferencedKeys referencedKeys)
        Calls the cacheKeysToIds service methods to fetch all the referenced keys (i.e product type, product attribute) from the commercetools to populate caches for the reference resolution.

        Note: This method is meant be only used internally by the library to improve performance.

        referencedKeys - a wrapper for the product references to fetch and cache the id's for.
        CompletionStage<Map<String>String>> in which the results of it's completions contains a map of requested references keys -> ids of product references.