This section contains all information about the sdk-related packages.

If you are looking to migrate from the sphere-node-sdk package, please read the migration guide.

Design architecture

The SDK is now split into multiple little packages, think about it as a microservice architecture. This is by choice and it provides several different advantages:

  • flexibility: choose the packages that fits best your use case
  • extensibility: developers can potentially build their own packages to extend / replace pieces of the SDK packages (e.g. custom middlewares)
  • maintainability: easier to maintain each single little package instead of one big library. This is also one of the reasons to use a monorepo

The core of the SDK lies within its middlewares implementation. Middlewares do specific things and can be replaced by other middlewares depending on the use case, allowing many possible combinations.

The SDK client itself is in fact really simple and somehow even agnostic of the specific commercetools platform API that can be used as a generic HTTP client.

If we take a step back and look at the general requirement, at the end we simply want to execute a request. It just happens to be that we want to make specific requests to the commercetools platform API but it might be as well any other API. That's where the middlewares come in, which provide the side effects of the given request.

Usage example

In this example (integration test) we are going to make some requests to the /channels API endpoint. For that we need to be able to make actual requests (http middleware) as well as to authenticate the requests using the API Client Credentials Flow (auth middleware).

The queue middleware is not really necessary in this simple example but it is usually useful to limit a bit the number of concurrent requests and should be place before the http middleware.

The api-request-builder package comes in handy to easily construct the request URI but it is not really necessary as the URI could be also typed manually.

import { createRequestBuilder } from '@commercetools/api-request-builder'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
import { createAuthMiddlewareForClientCredentialsFlow } from '@commercetools/sdk-middleware-auth'
import { createHttpMiddleware } from '@commercetools/sdk-middleware-http'
import { createQueueMiddleware } from '@commercetools/sdk-middleware-queue'
import omit from 'lodash.omit'

const ignoredResponseKeys = ['id', 'createdAt', 'lastModifiedAt']

const service = createRequestBuilder({ projectKey }).channels

const authMiddleware = createAuthMiddlewareForClientCredentialsFlow({
  host: '',
  projectKey: 'test',
  credentials: {
    clientId: '123',
    clientSecret: 'secret',
const httpMiddleware = createHttpMiddleware({
  host: '',
const queueMiddleware = createQueueMiddleware({
  concurrency: 5,
const client = createClient({
  middlewares: [authMiddleware, queueMiddleware, httpMiddleware],

describe('Channels', () => {
  const key = uniqueId('channel_')
  let channelResponse

  it('create', () => {
    const body = {
      name: { en: key },
    const createRequest = {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        Accept: 'application/json',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',

    return client.execute(createRequest).then((response) => {
      channelResponse = response.body
      expect(omit(response.body, ignoredResponseKeys)).toEqual({
        roles: ['InventorySupply'],
        version: 1,

  it('fetch', () => {
    const fetchRequest = {
      uri: service.where(`key = "${key}"`).build(),
      method: 'GET',
      headers: {
        Accept: 'application/json',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',

    return client.execute(fetchRequest).then((response) => {

  it('update', () => {
    const updateRequest = {
      uri: service.byId(,
      method: 'POST',
      body: {
        version: channelResponse.version,
        actions: [{ action: 'addRoles', roles: ['OrderImport'] }],
      headers: {
        Accept: 'application/json',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',

    return client.execute(updateRequest).then((response) => {
      channelResponse = response.body
      expect(omit(response.body, ignoredResponseKeys)).toEqual({
        name: { en: key },
        roles: ['InventorySupply', 'OrderImport'],
        version: 2,

  it('delete', () => {
    const uri = service

    const deleteRequest = {
      method: 'DELETE',
      headers: {
        Accept: 'application/json',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',

    return client.execute(deleteRequest).then((response) => {

let uniqueIdCounter = 0
function uniqueId(prefix) {
  const id = `${}_${uniqueIdCounter}`
  uniqueIdCounter += 1
  return prefix ? prefix + id : id

results matching ""

    No results matching ""