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Retrieve commercetools project credentials from environment variables or file system.

⚠️ In Maintenance Mode ⚠️

This package has been replaced by the TypeScript SDK is in maintenance mode as such this tool will no longer receive new features or bug fixes.

We recommend to use the TypeScript SDK for any new implementation and plan migrating to it.


npm install --save @commercetools/get-credentials


Getting the credentials in comes in two ways where the environment variable has priority:

From environment variables

Read the credentials from an environment variable named after the project key like: CT_<project key>. The contained credentials are expected like this: <client id>:<client secret>. Notice that the given project key will be uppercased and dashes will be replaced by an underscore. So for example: my-projectkey becomes MY_PROJECTKEY.

From a file

Read the credentials from a dotenv file in the following locations, descending priority:

  • ./.ct-credentials.env Current directory
  • /etc/.ct-credentials.env

Example ct-credentials.env file:



Set environment variables from a dotenv file and load the credentials from an environment variable based on the passed project key.


  1. projectKey (String): The project key to retrieve the associated client credentials for.


Returns a Promise which resolves to { clientId, clientSecret }. When no credentials are found for the given project key an error is rejected.

Usage example

import { getCredentials } from '@commercetools/get-credentials'
