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Core package to enable executing HTTP request. To be used together with middlewares.

⚠️ In Maintenance Mode ⚠️

This package has been replaced by the TypeScript SDK is in maintenance mode as such this tool will no longer receive new features or bug fixes.

We recommend to use the TypeScript SDK for any new implementation and plan migrating to it.



npm install --save @commercetools/sdk-client


<script src=""></script>
  // global: CommercetoolsSdkClient


Creates a client instance.

Named arguments (options)

  1. middlewares (Array): A list of middlewares to be used within this client. The order of the middlewares is really important! (e.g. it does not make sense to put the http middleware before the auth middleware).

Client API


Returns a Promise which gets resolved after all the provided middlewares have done their job with the given request / response. This is the primary method to use.

Usage example

import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
import { createHttpMiddleware } from '@commercetools/sdk-middleware-http'

const client = createClient({
  middlewares: [
const request = {
  uri: '/foo/bar',
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    Authorization: 'Bearer xxx',

.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)

process(request, processFn, options)

This function should be used to iterate through all the pages of a HTTP Rest API endpoint. Given the request object, the first page result of the request query will be passed to the processFn. This function does whatever it needs to do with the data and returns itself a promise which will trigger fetching a new page. This goes on and on until all available pages of the request query have being fetched and processed. Returns a Promise with the accumulated result of each processFn calls.

  • request (Object): A request object
  • processFn (Function): A function that gets called on each API page iteration. The function gets as an argument the response of the API request and should return a Promise which will trigger the next iteration.
  • options (Object)
  • accumulate (Boolean): (default true) a flag to indicate whether all the results of the iterations should be accumulated. This is useful if you want to e.g. fetch all the entities of an API endpoint and do something with it at the end. Be careful that this might lead to memory problems if the fetched data gets too big. If it's not necessary to have all the data when the process function resolves, it's recommended to disable this option.
  • total (Number): a number to indicate the total amount of items to be fetched from all API calls

Usage example

import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
import { createHttpMiddleware } from '@commercetools/sdk-middleware-http'
import { createRequestBuilder } from '@commercetools/api-request-builder'

const requestBuilder = createRequestBuilder({ projectKey: 'foo' })
const productProjectionsService = requestBuilder.productProjections
const productsService = requestBuilder.products

const client = createClient({
  middlewares: [
const uri = productProjectionsService
  .where('masterData(published = "false")')
  .where('masterData(hasStagedChanges = "true")')

const request = {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    Authorization: 'Bearer xxx',

// 1. We want to publish all products that are not published yet
  (payload) => {
    const results = payload.body.results
    return Promise.all( =>
          uri: productsService.byId(,
          method: 'POST',
          body: JSON.stringify({
            version: product.version,
            actions: [{ action: 'publish' }]
          headers: request.headers,
  { accumulate: false, total: 40 },
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)