Provides an API to construct update actions. Useful for building request body
for updates.
npm install --save @commercetools/sync-actions
<script src=""></script>
// global: CommercetoolsSyncActions
Creates a sync action that allows to build API update actions for categories.
(Array): A list of action group in case some actions need to be ignored or allowed.
Usage example
import { createSyncCategories } from '@commercetools/sync-actions'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
const syncCategories = createSyncCategories()
const client = createClient({
middlewares: [...],
const before = {
name: { en: 'My Category' }
const now = {
name: { en: 'My Category', de: 'Meine Kategorie' }
const actions = syncCategories.buildActions(now, before)
const categoriesRequest = {
uri: `/categories/${}`,
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ version: before.version, actions }),
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)
From package @commercetools/sync-actions.
Creates a sync action that allows to build API update actions for customers.
(Array): A list of action group in case some actions need to be ignored or allowed.
Usage example
import { createSyncCustomers } from '@commercetools/sync-actions'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
const syncCustomers = createSyncCustomers()
const client = createClient({
middlewares: [...],
const before = {
firstName: 'John'
const now = {
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe'
const actions = syncCustomers.buildActions(now, before)
const customersRequest = {
uri: `/customers/${}`,
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ version: before.version, actions }),
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)
From package @commercetools/sync-actions.
Creates a sync action that allows to build API update actions for inventories.
(Array): A list of action group in case some actions need to be ignored or allowed.
Usage example
import { createSyncInventories } from '@commercetools/sync-actions'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
const syncInventories = createSyncInventories()
const client = createClient({
middlewares: [...],
const before = {
quantityOnStock: 10
const now = {
quantityOnStock: 5
const actions = syncInventories.buildActions(now, before)
const inventoriesRequest = {
uri: `/inventory/${}`,
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ version: before.version, actions }),
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)
From package @commercetools/sync-actions.
Creates a sync action that allows to build API update actions for orders.
(Array): A list of action group in case some actions need to be ignored or allowed.
Usage example
import { createSyncOrders } from '@commercetools/sync-actions'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
const syncOrders = createSyncOrders()
const client = createClient({
middlewares: [...],
const before = {
orderState: 'Open'
const now = {
orderState: 'Complete'
const actions = syncOrders.buildActions(now, before)
const ordersRequest = {
uri: `/orders/${}`,
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ version: before.version, actions }),
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)
From package @commercetools/sync-actions.
Creates a sync action that allows to build API update actions for products.
(Array): A list of action group in case some actions need to be ignored or allowed.
Usage example
import { createSyncProducts } from '@commercetools/sync-actions'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
const syncProducts = createSyncProducts()
const client = createClient({
middlewares: [...],
const before = {
name: { en: 'My Product' }
const now = {
name: { en: 'My Product', de: 'Mein Produkt' }
const actions = syncProducts.buildActions(now, before)
const productsRequest = {
uri: `/products/${}`,
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ version: before.version, actions }),
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)
From package @commercetools/sync-actions.
Creates a sync action that allows to build API update actions for product-discounts.
(Array): A list of action group in case some actions need to be ignored or allowed.
Usage example
import { createSyncProductDiscounts } from '@commercetools/sync-actions'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
const syncProductDiscounts = createSyncProductDiscounts()
const client = createClient({
middlewares: [...],
const before = {
name: { en: 'My Product Discount' }
const now = {
name: { en: 'My Product Discount', de: 'Mein Produkt Rabatt' }
const actions = syncProductDiscounts.buildActions(now, before)
const productDiscountsRequests = {
uri: `/product-discounts/${}`,
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ version: before.version, actions }),
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)
From package @commercetools/sync-actions.
Creates a sync action that allows to build API update actions for discount-codes.
(Array): A list of action group in case some actions need to be ignored or allowed.
Usage example
import { createSyncDiscountCodes } from '@commercetools/sync-actions'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
const syncDiscountCodes = createSyncDiscountCodes()
const client = createClient({
middlewares: [...],
const before = {
name: { en: 'My Discount Code' }
const now = {
name: { en: 'My Discount Code', de: 'Mein Rabatt Code' }
const actions = syncDiscountCodes.buildActions(now, before)
const discountCodesRequest = {
uri: `/discount-codes/${}`,
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ version: before.version, actions }),
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)
From package @commercetools/sync-actions.
Creates a sync action that allows to build API update actions for customer-groups.
(Array): A list of action group in case some actions need to be ignored or allowed.
Usage example
import { createSyncCustomerGroup } from '@commercetools/sync-actions'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
const syncCustomerGroups = createSyncCustomerGroup()
const client = createClient({
middlewares: [...],
const before = {
name: 'My customer group',
key: 'some-old-key'
const now = {
name: 'My new customer group',
key: 'some-new-key'
const actions = syncCustomerGroups.buildActions(now, before)
const customerGroupRequest = {
uri: `/customer-groups/${}`,
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ version: before.version, actions }),
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)
From package @commercetools/sync-actions.
Creates a sync action that allows to build API update actions for cart-discounts.
(Array): A list of action group in case some actions need to be ignored or allowed.
Usage example
import { createSyncCartDiscounts } from '@commercetools/sync-actions'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
const syncCartDiscounts = createSyncCartDiscounts()
const client = createClient({
middlewares: [...],
const before = {
name: { en: 'My Cart Discount' }
const now = {
name: { en: 'My Cart Discount', de: 'Mein Warenkorbrabatt' }
const actions = syncCartDiscounts.buildActions(now, before)
const cartDiscountsRequests = {
uri: `/cart-discounts/${}`,
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ version: before.version, actions }),
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)
From package @commercetools/sync-actions.
Creates a sync action that allows to build API update actions for tax-categories.
(Array): A list of action group in case some actions need to be ignored or allowed.
Usage example
import { createSyncTaxCategories } from '@commercetools/sync-actions'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
const syncTaxCategories = createSyncTaxCategories()
const client = createClient({
middlewares: [...],
const before = {
name: 'My Tax Category'
const now = {
name: 'My Updated Tax Category'
const actions = syncTaxCategories.buildActions(now, before)
const taxCategoriesRequests = {
uri: `/tax-categories/${}`,
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ version: before.version, actions }),
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)
From package @commercetools/sync-actions.
Creates a sync action that allows to build API update actions for zones.
(Array): A list of action group in case some actions need to be ignored or allowed.
Usage example
import { createSyncZones } from '@commercetools/sync-actions'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
const syncZones = createSyncZones()
const client = createClient({
middlewares: [...],
const before = {
name: 'My Zone'
const now = {
name: 'My Other Zone'
const actions = syncZones.buildActions(now, before)
const zonesRequests = {
uri: `/zones/${}`,
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ version: before.version, actions }),
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)
createSyncProductTypes(actionGroups, config)
From package @commercetools/sync-actions.
Creates a sync action that allows to build API update actions for productTypes.
(Array): A list of action group in case some actions need to be ignored or allowed.config
(Object): A configuration object to which has one of the following options:
Key | Type | Required | Description |
shouldOmitEmptyString |
Boolean |
- (default: false ) |
a flag which determines whether we should treat empty strings as NOT A VALUE in addition to undefined and null |
Usage example
import { createSyncProductTypes } from '@commercetools/sync-actions'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
const syncProductTypes = createSyncProductTypes()
const client = createClient({
middlewares: [...],
const before = {
id: 'product-type-id',
name: 'Product Type',
version: 1,
const now = {
id: 'product-type-id',
name: 'Other Product Type',
version: 1,
const actions = syncProductTypes.buildActions(now, before)
const productTypesRequest = {
uri: `/product-types/${}`,
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ version: before.version, actions }),
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)
Difference to sync-actions for other resources
Unlike other resources (e.g createSyncProducts
), createSyncProductTypes
requires that you apply hints to calculate update actions for nested values such as attributes
and enumValues
Since a change in the API, the previous implementation was not capable for calculating appropriate update-actions when an enum-value has changed its key
, or when an attribute has changed its name
The key
of an enum value was used as its identifier to calculate correct update-actions. When the intention of a change was changeEnumKey
, it is discernable for sync-actions
to appropriately calculate that for you. Same goes for attribute values.
Note: createSyncProductTypes
does not support changeAttributeName
nor changeEnumKey
for the moment, but this is something we will add in, in the near future.
here is how you apply hints
const productTypeSync = createProductTypeSync()
const previous = {
name: 'previous',
const next = {
name: 'next',
const updateActions = productTypeSync.buildActions(next, previous, {
// hints
nestedValuesChanges: {
attributeDefinitions: [
// when previous and next are defined
// this will generate update actions for __changes__ to an attribute
previous: { name: 'previous-attribute-name' },
next: { name: 'next-attribute-name' },
// when next is defined, but not previous
// this will generate update actions for __adding__ an attribute
previous: undefined,
next: { name: 'next-attribute-name' },
// when previous is defined, but not next,
// this will generate update actions for __removing__ an attribute
previous: { name: 'next-attribute-name' },
next: undefined,
// ...
// any other changes to another attribute...
attributeEnumValues: [
previous: { key: 'previous-enum-key' },
next: { key: 'next-enum-key' },
hint: {
// note the change on attribute above.
attributeName: 'next-attribute-name',
// isLocalized is a valuable hint to `sync-actions`, since in the API,
// we have different update actions on an enum value depending on whether the label is localized or not.
// read more about `changePlainEnumValueLabel` and `changeLocalizedEnumValueLabel`
isLocalized: false,
previous: { key: 'previous-enum-key-2' },
next: undefined,
hint: {
// note the change on attribute above.
attributeName: 'next-attribute-name',
isLocalized: false,
// ...
// any other changes on enum values of another attribute...
// [
// // product type changes..
// {
// action: 'changeName',
// name: 'next-attribute-name'
// },
// // these are calculated separately, only through `nestedValuesChanges` hints
// // because hint are __explicit__, we don't worry about identifiers such as `key` (enum) or `name` (attribute).
// // attribute
// {
// action: 'changeAttributeName',
// attributeName: 'next-attribute-name'
// },
// // enums
// {
// action: 'changeEnumKey',
// key: 'next-enum-key'
// },
// {
// action: 'removeEnumValues'
// attributeName: 'next-attribute-name'
// keys: ['previous-enum-key-2'],
// }
// ]
From package @commercetools/sync-actions.
Creates a sync action that allows to build API update actions for stores.
(Array): A list of action group in case some actions need to be ignored or allowed.
Usage example
import { createSyncStores } from '@commercetools/sync-actions'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
const syncStores = createSyncStores()
const client = createClient({
middlewares: [...],
const before = {
id: 'store-1',
name: { 'en': 'Germany' },
const now = {
name: { 'de': 'Deutschland', 'en': 'Germany' },
const actions = syncStores.buildActions(now, before)
const storesRequest = {
uri: `/stores/${}`,
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ version: before.version, actions }),
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)
From package @commercetools/sync-actions.
Creates a sync action that allows to build API update actions for zones.
(Array): A list of action group in case some actions need to be ignored or allowed.
Usage example
import { createSyncShippingMethods } from '@commercetools/sync-actions'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
const syncShippingMethods = createSyncShippingMethods()
const client = createClient({
middlewares: [...],
const before = {
key: 'Key 1'
const now = {
name: 'Key 2'
const actions = syncShippingMethods.buildActions(now, before)
const shippingMethodsRequests = {
uri: `/shipping-methods/${}`,
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)
From package @commercetools/sync-actions.
Creates a sync action that allows to build API update actions for states.
(Array): A list of action group in case some actions need to be ignored or allowed.
Usage example
import { createSyncShippingStates } from '@commercetools/sync-actions'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
const syncStates = createStates()
const client = createClient({
middlewares: [...],
const before = {
key: 'Key 1'
const now = {
name: 'Key 2'
const actions = syncStates.buildActions(now, before)
const statesRequests = {
uri: `/states/${}`,
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)
createSyncTypes(actionGroups, config)
From package @commercetools/sync-actions.
Creates a sync action that allows to build API update actions for types.
Please note that there is no remove action
for enum
values. So this package will comply with the platform and only generate changeOrder
and add
actions for any enum
(Array): A list of action group in case some actions need to be ignored or allowed.config
(Object): A configuration object to which has one of the following options:
Key | Type | Required | Description |
shouldOmitEmptyString |
Boolean |
- (default: false ) |
a flag which determines whether we should treat empty strings as NOT A VALUE in addition to undefined and null |
Usage example
import { createSyncTypes } from '@commercetools/sync-actions'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
const syncTypes = createSyncTypes()
const client = createClient({
middlewares: [...],
const before = {
id: 'type-id',
name: 'Type',
version: 1,
const now = {
id: 'type-id',
name: 'Other Type',
version: 1,
const actions = syncTypes.buildActions(now, before)
const typesRequest = {
uri: `/types/${}`,
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ version: before.version, actions }),
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)
From package @commercetools/sync-actions.
Creates a sync action that allows to build API update actions for channels.
(Array): A list of action group in case some actions need to be ignored or allowed.
Usage example
import { createSyncChannels } from '@commercetools/sync-actions'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
const syncChannels = createSyncChannels()
const client = createClient({
middlewares: [...],
const before = {
key: 'Key 1',
roles: ['Role 1'],
const now = {
name: 'Key 2',
roles: ['Role 1', 'Role 2'],
const actions = syncChannels.buildActions(now, before)
const channelsRequests = {
uri: `/channels/${}`,
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)
Note that the channels syncer currently generates only setRoles
actions and not individual addRoles
and removeRoles
With shouldOmitEmptyString=true
Given that shouldOmitEmptyString
is provided, we won't generate any updateAction
in the following cases:
Before | Now | Will generate update action? | Value for the action |
"" |
null |
no | |
"" |
undefined |
no | |
"" |
"foo" |
yes | "foo" |
null |
"" |
no | |
null |
undefined |
no | |
null |
"foo" |
yes | "foo" |
undefined |
"" |
no | |
undefined |
null |
no | |
undefined |
"foo" |
yes | "foo" |
"foo" |
"" |
yes | omitted from the action |
"foo" |
null |
yes | omitted from the action |
"foo" |
undefined |
yes | omitted from the action |
The final value of the action as displayed above will be given, regardless if the value of the action is required or not.
See example below.
const productTypeSync = createSyncProductTypes([], {
shouldOmitEmptyString: true,
const before = { key: '' }
const now = { key: null }
const actions = sync.buildActions(now, before)
// outputs:
// []
From package @commercetools/sync-actions.
Creates a sync action that allows to build API update actions for projects.
(Array): A list of action group in case some actions need to be ignored or allowed.
Usage example
import { createSyncProjects } from '@commercetools/sync-actions'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'
const syncProjects = createSyncProjects()
const client = createClient({
middlewares: [...],
const before = {
id: 'some-project-uuid',
name: 'Name 1',
currencies: ['EUR', 'Dollar']
const now = {
name: 'Name 1',
currencies: ['EUR']
const actions = syncProjects.buildActions(now, before)
const projectsRequests = {
uri: `/projects/${}`,
.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)