All Classes and Interfaces

Middleware to add the header Accept: gzip to the request
This is the generic error code for access denied.
AccessDeniedErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
abstract class for accessor implementations
Change triggered by the Add Address update action.
AddAddressChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the following update actions:
AddAssetChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add Associate update action.
AddAssociateChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add Attribute Definition update action.
AddAttributeDefinitionChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add Billing Address ID update action.
AddBillingAddressIdChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add Roles update action.
AddChannelRolesChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add CustomLineItem update action.
AddCustomLineItemChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add Delivery update action.
AddDeliveryChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add DiscountCode update action.
AddDiscountCodeChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add EnumValue to FieldDefinition update action.
AddEnumValueChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add External Image update action.
AddExternalImageChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add FieldDefinition update action.
AddFieldDefinitionChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add Associate update action on a parent of a Business Unit in cases where inheritance applies.
AddInheritedAssociateChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add InterfaceInteraction update action.
AddInterfaceInteractionChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the following update actions:
AddItemShippingAddressesChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the following update actions:
AddLocalizedEnumValueChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add Location update action.
AddLocationChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add LineItem update action.
AddOrderLineItemChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the following update actions:
AddParcelToDeliveryChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the following update actions:
AddPaymentChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add PlainEnumValue to AttributeDefinition update action.
AddPlainEnumValueChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add Price update action.
AddPriceChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add Product update action.
AddProductChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add Product Selection update action.
AddProductSelectionChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Update CustomObject request when a new property is added.
AddPropertyChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Address type returned by read methods.
Address Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Address Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AddressBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AddressBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AddressBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Address type to be used on write methods.
AddressDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the following update actions:
AddReturnInfoChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add Shipping Address ID update action.
AddShippingAddressIdChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add ShoppingListLineItem update action.
AddShoppingListLineItemChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add State roles update action.
AddStateRolesChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add TaxRate update action.
AddTaxRateChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add TextLineItem update action.
AddTextLineItemChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add to Category update action.
AddToCategoryChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add Transaction update action.
AddTransactionChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Change triggered by the Add ProductVariant update action.
AddVariantChangeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
possible values of AnonymousCartSignInMode
Returned when the anonymous ID is being used by another resource.
AnonymousIdAlreadyInUseErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Token supplier using anonymous flow
ApiClient Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApiClientBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApiClientDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApiClientDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
PagedQueryResult with results containing an array of APIClient.
ApiClientPagedQueryResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CorrelationIdProvider which adds the project key as prefix
Interface for an HTTP client accessing the API and mapping to a known output type
Default implementation of an ApiHttpClient
Creates an exception bases on the status code of the ApiHttpResponse with module specific exception for BadRequestException and ConcurrentModificationException
Creates an InternalLogger with the API path of the request
Module to configure the default jackson ObjectMapper e.g.
Entrypoint for building requests against the API
Entrypoint for building requests against the API
Entrypoint for building requests against the API
Builder to create a ApiRoot or a project scoped ProjectApiRoot
ApprovalFlow Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalFlowApproval Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalFlowApprovalBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This update action allows an Associate to approve an Approval Flow.
ApprovalFlowApproveActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after an approval in the Approval Flow.
ApprovalFlowApprovedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after an approval in the Approval Flow.
ApprovalFlowApprovedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalFlowBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after an Approval Flow is completed and reaches a final status.
ApprovalFlowCompletedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after an Approval Flow is completed and reaches a final status.
ApprovalFlowCompletedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after an Approval Flow is created.
ApprovalFlowCreatedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after an Approval Flow is created.
ApprovalFlowCreatedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
PagedQueryResult with results containing an array of ApprovalFlow.
ApprovalFlowPagedQueryResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This update action allows an Associate to reject an Approval Flow, setting its status to Rejected.
ApprovalFlowRejectActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after an Approval Flow is rejected.
ApprovalFlowRejectedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after an Approval Flow is rejected.
ApprovalFlowRejectedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalFlowRejection Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalFlowRejectionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalFlowSetCustomFieldAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalFlowSetCustomFieldActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalFlowSetCustomTypeAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalFlowSetCustomTypeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Indicates whether the Approval Flow is under review, approved, or rejected.
possible values of ApprovalFlowStatus
ApprovalFlowUpdate Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalFlowUpdateAction Example to create a subtype instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalFlowUpdateBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalRule Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Approvers update action.
ApprovalRuleApproversSetMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Approvers update action.
ApprovalRuleApproversSetMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalRuleBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after an Approval Rule is created.
ApprovalRuleCreatedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after an Approval Rule is created.
ApprovalRuleCreatedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Description update action.
ApprovalRuleDescriptionSetMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Description update action.
ApprovalRuleDescriptionSetMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalRuleDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalRuleDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Key update action.
ApprovalRuleKeySetMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Key update action.
ApprovalRuleKeySetMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Name update action.
ApprovalRuleNameSetMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Name update action.
ApprovalRuleNameSetMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
PagedQueryResult with results containing an array of ApprovalRule.
ApprovalRulePagedQueryResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Predicate update action.
ApprovalRulePredicateSetMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Predicate update action.
ApprovalRulePredicateSetMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Requester update action.
ApprovalRuleRequestersSetMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Requester update action.
ApprovalRuleRequestersSetMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Setting the approvers for an Approval Rule generates an ApprovalRuleApproversSet Message.
ApprovalRuleSetApproversActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalRuleSetCustomFieldAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalRuleSetCustomFieldActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalRuleSetCustomTypeAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalRuleSetCustomTypeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Setting the description for an Approval Rule generates an ApprovalRuleDescriptionSet Message.
ApprovalRuleSetDescriptionActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Setting the key for an Approval Rule generates an ApprovalRuleKeySet Message.
ApprovalRuleSetKeyActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Setting the name for an Approval Rule generates an ApprovalRuleNameSet Message.
ApprovalRuleSetNameActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Setting the Order Predicate for an Approval Rule generates an ApprovalRulePredicateSet Message.
ApprovalRuleSetPredicateActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Sets the requesters for an Approval Rule generates an ApprovalRuleRequestersSet Message.
ApprovalRuleSetRequestersActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Setting the status for an Approval Rule generates an ApprovalRuleStatusSet Message.
ApprovalRuleSetStatusActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Indicates whether the Approval Rule should be matched against Orders or not.
possible values of ApprovalRuleStatus
Generated after a successful Set Status update action.
ApprovalRuleStatusSetMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Status update action.
ApprovalRuleStatusSetMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalRuleUpdate Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalRuleUpdateAction Example to create a subtype instance using the builder pattern
ApprovalRuleUpdateBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApproverConjunction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApproverConjunctionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApproverConjunctionDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApproverConjunctionDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApproverDisjunction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApproverDisjunctionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApproverDisjunctionDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ApproverDisjunctionDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Describes the order in which Associates can approve the matched Order.
ApproverHierarchyBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Describes the sequence in which Associates can approve an Order.
ApproverHierarchyDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Asset Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Asset Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Asset Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssetBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssetBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssetBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssetChangeValue Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssetChangeValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Dimensions of the Asset source specified by the number of pixels.
AssetDimensions Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The width and height of the Asset Source.
AssetDimensionsBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssetDimensionsBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssetDimensionsBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssetDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssetDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Representation of an Asset in a specific format, for example a video in a certain encoding, or an image in a certain resolution.
AssetSource Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
An AssetSource is a representation of an Asset in a specific format, for example, a video in a certain encoding or an image in a certain resolution.
AssetSourceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssetSourceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssetSourceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssignedProductReference Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssignedProductReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssignedProductSelection Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssignedProductSelectionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
PagedQueryResult containing an array of AssignedProductSelection.
AssignedProductSelectionPagedQueryResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Associate Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Associate Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Returned when an Associate is missing a Permission on a B2B resource.
AssociateMissingPermissionErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRole Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Adding a Permission to an AssociateRole generates an AssociateRolePermissionAdded Message.
AssociateRoleAddPermissionActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRoleAssignment Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRoleAssignment Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRoleAssignmentBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRoleAssignmentBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRoleAssignmentDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRoleAssignmentDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRoleBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Change BuyerAssignable update action.
AssociateRoleBuyerAssignableChangedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Change BuyerAssignable update action.
AssociateRoleBuyerAssignableChangedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Changing the buyerAssignable value of an AssociateRole generates an AssociateRoleBuyerAssignableChanged Message.
AssociateRoleChangeBuyerAssignableActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Create AssociateRole request.
AssociateRoleCreatedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Create AssociateRole request.
AssociateRoleCreatedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Delete AssociateRole request.
AssociateRoleDeletedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Delete AssociateRole request.
AssociateRoleDeletedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRoleDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRoleDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Determines whether an AssociateRoleAssignment can be inherited by child Business Units.
Determines whether an AssociateRoleAssignment can be inherited by child Business Units.
possible values of AssociateRoleInheritanceMode
possible values of AssociateRoleInheritanceMode
KeyReference to an AssociateRole.
AssociateRoleKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRoleLabel Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRoleLabelBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Name update action.
AssociateRoleNameChangedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Name update action.
AssociateRoleNameChangedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
PagedQueryResult with results containing an array of AssociateRole.
AssociateRolePagedQueryResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Add Permissions update action.
AssociateRolePermissionAddedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Add Permissions update action.
AssociateRolePermissionAddedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Remove Permissions update action.
AssociateRolePermissionRemovedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Remove Permissions update action.
AssociateRolePermissionRemovedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Permissions update action.
AssociateRolePermissionsSetMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Permissions update action.
AssociateRolePermissionsSetMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Reference to an AssociateRole.
AssociateRoleReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Removing a Permission from an AssociateRole generates an AssociateRolePermissionRemoved Message.
AssociateRoleRemovePermissionActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ResourceIdentifier of an AssociateRole.
AssociateRoleResourceIdentifierBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRoleSetCustomFieldAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRoleSetCustomFieldActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRoleSetCustomTypeAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRoleSetCustomTypeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Updating the name of an AssociateRole generates an AssociateRoleNameSet Message.
AssociateRoleSetNameActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Updating the Permissions on an AssociateRole generates an AssociateRolePermissionsSet Message.
AssociateRoleSetPermissionsActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRoleUpdate Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRoleUpdateAction Example to create a subtype instance using the builder pattern
AssociateRoleUpdateBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
typo in the class name, use AttributeDeserializer instead
Attribute Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents the value of an attribute of a product variant.
Accessor for retrieving type safe attribute values
use AttributeAccessor instead
Attribute type for Boolean values.
AttributeBooleanType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeBooleanTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeBooleanTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Specifies how an Attribute (or a set of Attributes) should be validated across all variants of a Product:
possible values of AttributeConstraintEnum
possible values of AttributeConstraintEnum
possible values of AttributeConstraintEnum
possible values of AttributeConstraintEnumDraft
AttributeDateTimeType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeDateTimeType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeDateTimeTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeDateTimeTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeDateType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeDateType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeDateTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeDateTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Describes a Product Attribute and allows you to define meta-information associated with the Attribute (like whether it should be searchable, or its constraints).
AttributeDefinition Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeDefinition Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Returned when the name of the AttributeDefinition conflicts with an existing Attribute.
AttributeDefinitionAlreadyExistsErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeDefinitionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeDefinitionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeDefinitionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Specify the Attribute to be created with the ProductTypeDraft.
AttributeDefinitionDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Returned when the type is different for an AttributeDefinition using the same name in multiple Product Types.
AttributeDefinitionTypeConflictErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Attribute type for plain enum values.
AttributeEnumType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeEnumTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeEnumTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroup Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroupAddAttributeAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroupAddAttributeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroupBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroupChangeNameAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroupChangeNameActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroupDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroupDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
PagedQueryResult with results containing an array of AttributeGroup.
AttributeGroupPagedQueryResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Reference to an AttributeGroup.
AttributeGroupReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroupRemoveAttributeAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroupRemoveAttributeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ResourceIdentifier to an AttributeGroup.
AttributeGroupResourceIdentifierBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroupSetAttributesAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroupSetAttributesActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroupSetDescriptionAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroupSetDescriptionActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroupSetKeyAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroupSetKeyActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroupUpdate Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroupUpdateAction Example to create a subtype instance using the builder pattern
AttributeGroupUpdateBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Attribute type for LocalizedString values.
AttributeLocalizableTextType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeLocalizableTextTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeLocalizableTextTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Attribute type for localized enum values.
AttributeLocalizedEnumType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeLocalizedEnumTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeLocalizedEnumTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A localized enum value must be unique within the enum, else a DuplicateEnumValues error is returned.
A localized enum value must be unique within the enum, else a DuplicateEnumValues error is returned.
AttributeLocalizedEnumValue Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeLocalizedEnumValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeLocalizedEnumValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeLocalizedEnumValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeMoneyType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeMoneyType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeMoneyTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeMoneyTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Returned when an AttributeDefinition does not exist for an Attribute name.
AttributeNameDoesNotExistErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Attribute type for nesting Attributes based on some existing ProductType.
AttributeNestedType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeNestedTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeNestedTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeNumberType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeNumberType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeNumberTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeNumberTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A plain enum value must be unique within the enum, else a DuplicateEnumValues error is returned.
A plain enum value must be unique within the enum, else a DuplicateEnumValues error is returned.
AttributePlainEnumValue Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributePlainEnumValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributePlainEnumValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributePlainEnumValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeReference Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeReferenceType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeReferenceType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeReferenceTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeReferenceTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Name of the resource type that the value should reference.
possible values of AttributeReferenceTypeId
Attributes Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Accessor to retrieve attribute values type safe
AttributesBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeType that defines a set (without duplicate elements) with values of the given elementType.
AttributeSetType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeSetTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeSetTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Attribute type for plain text values.
AttributeTextType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeTextTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeTextTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeTimeType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeTimeType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeTimeTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeTimeTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Umbrella type for specific attribute types discriminated by property name.
AttributeType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeType Example to create a subtype instance using the builder pattern
AttributeTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeValue Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Indicates the source and method that indirectly created or modified the resource.
AttributionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
possible values of AttributionSource
possible values of AuthenticationMode
possible values of AuthenticationMode
possible values of AuthenticationMode
Represents errors related to authentication and authorization in a format conforming to the OAuth 2.0 specification.
AuthErrorResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The Authorization header will be set to the content of headerValue.
AuthorizationHeaderAuthenticationBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Defines the method of authentication for AWS SQS and SNS Destinations.
possible values of AwsAuthenticationMode
We recommend creating an Identify and Access Management (IAM) user with an accessKey and accessSecret pair, specifically for each Extension that only has the lambda:InvokeFunction permission on this function.
AWSLambdaDestinationBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Azure Event Grid can be used to push notifications to Azure Functions, HTTP endpoints (webhooks), and several other Azure tools.
AzureEventGridDestinationBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
To protect your Azure Function, set its authLevel to function and provide the function's key to be used inside the x-functions-key header.
AzureFunctionsAuthenticationBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Azure Service Bus can be used as a pull-queue with Queues, or to fan-out notifications with Topics and Subscriptions.
AzureServiceBusDestinationBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Returned when a server-side problem is caused by scaling infrastructure resources.
BadGatewayErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Deserializes the response payload as ErrorResponse
Polymorphic base type that represents a postal address and contact details.
BaseAddressBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Exception hierarchy
In order to work, the sdk needs an VrapHttpClient provider, this can be done by extending HttpClientSupplier and exposing it as a service
BaseResource Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
MoneyProvider which uses the Money implementation with BigDecimals.
This type represents an attribute whose value is either "true" or "false".
BooleanAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a boolean value.
BooleanFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is set of boolean values.
BooleanSetAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a boolean set value.
BooleanSetFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
interface to build instance of T
Generic type to model the fields that all types of Business Units have in common.
Adding an address to a Business Unit generates a BusinessUnitAddressAdded Message.
BusinessUnitAddAddressActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Adding an Associate to a Business Unit generates a BusinessUnitAssociateAdded Message.
BusinessUnitAddAssociateActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Adding a billing address to a Business Unit generates a BusinessUnitBillingAddressAdded Message.
BusinessUnitAddBillingAddressIdActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Add Address update action.
BusinessUnitAddressAddedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Add Address update action.
BusinessUnitAddressAddedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Change Address update action.
BusinessUnitAddressChangedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Change Address update action.
BusinessUnitAddressChangedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after adding a Custom Field to an address of a Business Unit using the Set Address CustomField update action.
BusinessUnitAddressCustomFieldAddedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after adding a Custom Field to an address of a Business Unit using the Set Address CustomField update action.
BusinessUnitAddressCustomFieldAddedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after changing an existing Custom Field on an address of a Business Unit using the Set Address CustomField update action.
BusinessUnitAddressCustomFieldChangedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after changing an existing Custom Field on an address of a Business Unit using the Set Address CustomField update action.
BusinessUnitAddressCustomFieldChangedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after removing a Custom Field from an address of a Business Unit using the Set Address CustomField update action.
BusinessUnitAddressCustomFieldRemovedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after removing a Custom Field from an address of a Business Unit using the Set Address CustomField update action.
BusinessUnitAddressCustomFieldRemovedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after removing a Custom Type from an address of a Business Unit using the Set Custom Type in Address update action.
BusinessUnitAddressCustomTypeRemovedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after removing a Custom Type from an address of a Business Unit using the Set Custom Type in Address update action.
BusinessUnitAddressCustomTypeRemovedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after adding a Custom Type to an address of a Business Unit using the Set Custom Type in Address update action.
BusinessUnitAddressCustomTypeSetMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after adding a Custom Type to an address of a Business Unit using the Set Custom Type in Address update action.
BusinessUnitAddressCustomTypeSetMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Remove Address update action.
BusinessUnitAddressRemovedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Remove Address update action.
BusinessUnitAddressRemovedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Adding a shipping address to a Business Unit generates a BusinessUnitShippingAddressAdded Message.
BusinessUnitAddShippingAddressIdActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Adding a Store to a Business Unit generates a BusinessUnitStoreAdded Message.
BusinessUnitAddStoreActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Determines whether a Business Unit can inherit Approval Rules from a parent.
possible values of BusinessUnitApprovalRuleMode
Generated after a successful Change Approval Rule Mode update action.
BusinessUnitApprovalRuleModeChangedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Change Approval Rule Mode update action.
BusinessUnitApprovalRuleModeChangedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Add Associate update action.
BusinessUnitAssociateAddedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Add Associate update action.
BusinessUnitAssociateAddedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Change Associate update action.
BusinessUnitAssociateChangedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Change Associate update action.
BusinessUnitAssociateChangedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Determines whether a Business Unit can inherit Associates from a parent.
Determines whether a Business Unit can inherit Associates from a parent.
possible values of BusinessUnitAssociateMode
possible values of BusinessUnitAssociateMode
Generated after a successful Change Associate Mode update action.
BusinessUnitAssociateModeChangedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Change Associate Mode update action.
BusinessUnitAssociateModeChangedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Remove Associate update action.
BusinessUnitAssociateRemovedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Remove Associate update action.
BusinessUnitAssociateRemovedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Associates update action.
BusinessUnitAssociatesSetMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Associates update action.
BusinessUnitAssociatesSetMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Add Billing Address Identifier update action.
BusinessUnitBillingAddressAddedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Add Billing Address Identifier update action.
BusinessUnitBillingAddressAddedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Remove Billing Address Identifier update action.
BusinessUnitBillingAddressRemovedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Remove Billing Address Identifier update action.
BusinessUnitBillingAddressRemovedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Changing the address on a Business Unit generates the BusinessUnitAddressChanged Message.
BusinessUnitChangeAddressActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Updates Approval Rules inheritance behavior between Business Units.
BusinessUnitChangeApprovalRuleModeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Updating the Associate on a Business Unit generates the BusinessUnitAssociateChanged Message.
BusinessUnitChangeAssociateActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Only Business Units of type Division can be changed to ExplicitAndFromParent.
BusinessUnitChangeAssociateModeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Updating the name on a Business Unit generates a BusinessUnitNameChanged Message.
BusinessUnitChangeNameActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Changing the parent of a Business Unit generates a BusinessUnitParentChanged Message.
BusinessUnitChangeParentUnitActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Changing the status of a Business Unit generates a BusinessUnitStatusChanged Message.
BusinessUnitChangeStatusActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
BusinessUnitConfiguration Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
BusinessUnitConfigurationBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Default value for Business Unit Status configured though Project settings.
possible values of BusinessUnitConfigurationStatus
Generated after a successful Set Contact Email update action.
BusinessUnitContactEmailSetMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Contact Email update action.
BusinessUnitContactEmailSetMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Create BusinessUnit request.
BusinessUnitCreatedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Create BusinessUnit request.
BusinessUnitCreatedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after adding a Custom Field to a Business Unit using the Set CustomField update action.
BusinessUnitCustomFieldAddedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after adding a Custom Field to a Business Unit using the Set CustomField update action.
BusinessUnitCustomFieldAddedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after changing an existing Custom Field on a Business Unit using the Set CustomField update action.
BusinessUnitCustomFieldChangedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after changing an existing Custom Field on a Business Unit using the Set CustomField update action.
BusinessUnitCustomFieldChangedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after removing a Custom Field from a Business Unit using the Set CustomField update action.
BusinessUnitCustomFieldRemovedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after removing a Custom Field from a Business Unit using the Set CustomField update action.
BusinessUnitCustomFieldRemovedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after removing a Custom Type from a Business Unit using the Set Custom Type update action.
BusinessUnitCustomTypeRemovedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after removing a Custom Type from a Business Unit using the Set Custom Type update action.
BusinessUnitCustomTypeRemovedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after adding a Custom Type to a Business Unit using the Set Custom Type update action.
BusinessUnitCustomTypeSetMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after adding a Custom Type to a Business Unit using the Set Custom Type update action.
BusinessUnitCustomTypeSetMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Default Billing Address update action.
BusinessUnitDefaultBillingAddressSetMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Default Billing Address update action.
BusinessUnitDefaultBillingAddressSetMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Default Shipping Address update action.
BusinessUnitDefaultShippingAddressSetMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Default Shipping Address update action.
BusinessUnitDefaultShippingAddressSetMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Delete BusinessUnit request.
BusinessUnitDeletedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Delete BusinessUnit request.
BusinessUnitDeletedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generic draft type to model those fields all Business Units have in common.
BusinessUnitIndexingProgress Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
BusinessUnitIndexingProgressBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The current indexing status of Business Unit Search.
possible values of BusinessUnitIndexingStatus
KeyReference to a BusinessUnit.
BusinessUnitKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
BusinessUnitLabel Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
BusinessUnitLabelBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Change Name update action.
BusinessUnitNameChangedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Change Name update action.
BusinessUnitNameChangedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
PagedQueryResult with results containing an array of BusinessUnit.
BusinessUnitPagedQueryResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
BusinessUnitPagedSearchResponse Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
BusinessUnitPagedSearchResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Change Parent Unit update action.
BusinessUnitParentChangedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Change Parent Unit update action.
BusinessUnitParentChangedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Reference to a BusinessUnit.
BusinessUnitReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Removing the address from a Business Unit generates the BusinessUnitAddressRemoved Message.
BusinessUnitRemoveAddressActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Removing an Associate from a Business Unit generates a BusinessUnitAssociateRemoved Message.
BusinessUnitRemoveAssociateActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Removing a billing address from a Business Unit generates a BusinessUnitBillingAddressRemoved Message.
BusinessUnitRemoveBillingAddressIdActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Removing a shipping address from a Business Unit generates a BusinessUnitShippingAddressRemoved Message.
BusinessUnitRemoveShippingAddressIdActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Removes a Store from the Business Unit.
BusinessUnitRemoveStoreActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ResourceIdentifier to a BusinessUnit.
BusinessUnitResourceIdentifierBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
BusinessUnitSearchIndexingStatusResponse Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
BusinessUnitSearchIndexingStatusResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
BusinessUnitSearchRequest Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
BusinessUnitSearchRequestBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
BusinessUnitSearchResult Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
BusinessUnitSearchResultBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Specifies the status of the Business Unit Search index.
possible values of BusinessUnitSearchStatus
Adding a Custom Field to an Address of a Business Unit generates the BusinessUnitAddressCustomFieldAdded Message, removing one generates the BusinessUnitAddressCustomFieldRemoved Message, and updating an existing one generates the BusinessUnitAddressCustomFieldChanged Message.
BusinessUnitSetAddressCustomFieldActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Adding or updating a Custom Type on an Address of a Business Unit generates the BusinessUnitAddressCustomTypeSet Message, and removing one generates the BusinessUnitAddressCustomTypeRemoved Message.
BusinessUnitSetAddressCustomTypeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Changes the Associates of a Business Unit, generates a BusinessUnitAssociatesSet Message.
BusinessUnitSetAssociatesActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Setting the contact email on a Business Unit generates a BusinessUnitContactEmailSet Message.
BusinessUnitSetContactEmailActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Adding a Custom Field to a Business Unit generates the BusinessUnitCustomFieldAdded Message, removing one generates the BusinessUnitCustomFieldRemoved Message, and updating an existing one generates the BusinessUnitCustomFieldChanged Message.
BusinessUnitSetCustomFieldActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Adding or updating a Custom Type on a Business Unit generates the BusinessUnitCustomTypeSet Message, removing one generates the BusinessUnitCustomTypeRemoved Message.
BusinessUnitSetCustomTypeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Setting the default billing address on a Business Unit generates the BusinessUnitDefaultBillingAddressSet Message.
BusinessUnitSetDefaultBillingAddressActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Setting the default shipping address on a Business Unit generates a BusinessUnitDefaultShippingAddressSet Message.
BusinessUnitSetDefaultShippingAddressActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Only Business Units of type Division can be have a store mode of FromParent.
BusinessUnitSetStoreModeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Sets the Stores of the Business Unit.
BusinessUnitSetStoresActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Add Shipping Address Identifier update action.
BusinessUnitShippingAddressAddedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Add Shipping Address Identifier update action.
BusinessUnitShippingAddressAddedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Remove Shipping Address Identifier update action.
BusinessUnitShippingAddressRemovedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Remove Shipping Address Identifier update action.
BusinessUnitShippingAddressRemovedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Indicates whether the Business Unit can be edited and used in Carts, Orders, Quote Requests, or Quotes.
Indicates whether the Business Unit can be edited and used in Carts, Orders, Quote Requests, or Quotes.
possible values of BusinessUnitStatus
possible values of BusinessUnitStatus
Generated after a successful Change Status update action.
BusinessUnitStatusChangedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Change Status update action.
BusinessUnitStatusChangedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Add Store update action.
BusinessUnitStoreAddedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Add Store update action.
BusinessUnitStoreAddedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Defines whether the Stores of the Business Unit are set directly on the Business Unit or are inherited from its parent unit.
Defines whether the Stores of the Business Unit are set directly on the Business Unit or are inherited from its parent unit.
possible values of BusinessUnitStoreMode
possible values of BusinessUnitStoreMode
Generated after a successful Set Store Mode update action.
BusinessUnitStoreModeChangedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Store Mode update action.
BusinessUnitStoreModeChangedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Remove Store update action.
BusinessUnitStoreRemovedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Remove Store update action.
BusinessUnitStoreRemovedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Stores update action.
BusinessUnitStoresSetMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Stores update action.
BusinessUnitStoresSetMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The type of the Business Unit indicating its position in a hierarchy.
possible values of BusinessUnitType
BusinessUnitUpdate Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
BusinessUnitUpdateAction Example to create a subtype instance using the builder pattern
BusinessUnitUpdateBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Checks if an API Client exists for a given id.
Checks if an API Client exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a BusinessUnit exists for a given id.
Checks if a BusinessUnit exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a BusinessUnit exists for a given key.
If the Cart exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
If the Cart exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
Checks if a Cart exists for a given id.
If the Cart exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
If the Cart exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
Checks if a Cart exists for a given Query Predicate.
If the Cart exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
If the Cart exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
Checks if a Cart exists for a given key.
If the Cart exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
If the Cart exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
Creates a Cart in the BusinessUnit referenced by businessUnitKey.
Creates a Cart in the BusinessUnit referenced by businessUnitKey.
Creates a new Cart by replicating an existing Cart or Order.
Creates a new Cart by replicating an existing Cart or Order.
If the Order exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
Checks if an Order exists for a given id.
If the Order exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
If the Order exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
Checks if an Order exists for a given Query Predicate.
If the Order exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
Checks if an Order exists for a given orderNumber.
If the Order exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
If the Order exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
Creates an Order from a Cart in a BusinessUnit.
Creates an Order from a Cart in a BusinessUnit.
Creates an Order from a Quote in a BusinessUnit.
Creates an Order from a Quote in a BusinessUnit.
If the QuoteRequest exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
Checks if a QuoteRequest exists for a given id.
If the QuoteRequest exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
If the QuoteRequest exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
Checks if a QuoteRequest exists for a given Query Predicate.
If the QuoteRequest exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
Checks if a QuoteRequest exists for a given key.
If the QuoteRequest exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
If the QuoteRequest exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
Creates a QuoteRequest in a BusinessUnit.
Creates a QuoteRequest in a BusinessUnit.
If the Quote exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
Checks if a Quote exists for a given id.
If the Quote exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
If the Quote exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
Checks if a Quote exists for a given Query Predicate.
If the Quote exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
Checks if a Quote exists for a given key.
If the Quote exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
If the Quote exists in the Project but does not reference the requested BusinessUnit, this method returns an InvalidOperation error.
Checks if an AssociateRole exists for a given id.
Checks if an AssociateRole exists for a given Query Predicate.
Deleting an AssociateRole generates the AssociateRoleDeleted Message.
Checks if an AssociateRole exists for a given key.
Creating a Associate Role generates the AssociateRoleCreated Message.
Creating a Associate Role generates the AssociateRoleCreated Message.
Checks if an AttributeGroup exists for a given id.
Checks if an AttributeGroup exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if an AttributeGroup exists for a given key.
Checks if a BusinessUnit exists for a given id.
Checks if a BusinessUnit exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a BusinessUnit exists for a given key.
Checks whether a search index of Business Units exists for a Project.
Returns the indexing status of the Business Unit Search for a Project.
If the initial indexing is in progress or the feature is inactive, A SearchNotReady error is returned.
If the initial indexing is in progress or the feature is inactive, A SearchNotReady error is returned.
The view_audit_log:{projectKey} scope is required, and depending on the resource type queried, their respective scopes must be granted.
The view_audit_log:{projectKey} scope is required, and depending on the resource type queried, their respective scopes must be granted.
Deleting a Cart Discount produces the CartDiscountDeleted Message.
Checks if a CartDiscount exists for a given id.
Checks if a CartDiscount exists for a given Query Predicate.
Deleting a Cart Discount produces the CartDiscountDeleted Message.
Checks if a CartDiscount exists for a given key.
Creating a Cart Discount produces the CartDiscountCreated Message.
Creating a Cart Discount produces the CartDiscountCreated Message.
To ensure the Cart is up-to-date with current values (such as Prices and Discounts), use the Recalculate update action.
Checks if a Cart exists for a given id.
Retrieves the most recently modified active Cart of a Customer with CartOrigin Customer.
Checks if a Cart of a Customer exists.
Checks if a Cart exists for a given Query Predicate.
To ensure the Cart is up-to-date with current values (such as Prices and Discounts), use the Recalculate update action.
Checks if a Cart exists for a given key.
If the referenced ShippingMethod in the CartDraft has a predicate that does not match, or if the Shipping Method is not active, an InvalidOperation error is returned.
If the referenced ShippingMethod in the CartDraft has a predicate that does not match, or if the Shipping Method is not active, an InvalidOperation error is returned.
Creates a new Cart by replicating an existing Cart or Order.
Creates a new Cart by replicating an existing Cart or Order.
Either the scope manage_products:{projectKey} or manage_categories:{projectKey} is required.
Either the scope view_products:{projectKey} or view_categories:{projectKey} is required.
Checks if a Category exists for a given id.
Either the scope manage_products:{projectKey} or manage_categories:{projectKey} is required.
Either the scope manage_products:{projectKey} or manage_categories:{projectKey} is required.
Either the scope view_products:{projectKey} or view_categories:{projectKey} is required.
Checks if a Category exists for on a given Query Predicate.
Creates a request for creating new Categories or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Categories or updating existing ones.
Either the scope manage_products:{projectKey} or manage_categories:{projectKey} is required.
Either the scope view_products:{projectKey} or view_categories:{projectKey} is required.
Checks if a Category exists for a given key.
Either the scope manage_products:{projectKey} or manage_categories:{projectKey} is required.
Either the scope manage_products:{projectKey} or manage_categories:{projectKey} is required.
Either the scope manage_products:{projectKey} or manage_categories:{projectKey} is required.
Either the scope manage_products:{projectKey} or manage_categories:{projectKey} is required.
Returns a ReferenceExists error if other resources reference the Channel to be deleted.
Checks if a Channel exists for a given id.
Checks if a Channel exists for a given Query Predicate.
Returns a ReferenceExists error if other resources reference the Channel to be deleted.
Checks if a Channel exists for a given key.
Checks if a CustomerGroup exists for a given id.
Checks if a CustomerGroup exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a CustomerGroup exists for a given key.
Deleting a Customer produces the CustomerDeleted Message.
Checks if a Customer exists for a given id.
Simultaneously updating two Customers with the same email address can return a LockedField error.
Simultaneously updating two Customers with the same email address can return a LockedField error.
Verifying the email of the Customer produces the CustomerEmailVerified Message.
Verifying the email of the Customer produces the CustomerEmailVerified Message.
Produces the CustomerEmailTokenCreated Message.
Produces the CustomerEmailTokenCreated Message.
Checks if a Customer exists for a given Query Predicate.
Creates a request for creating new Customers or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Customers or updating existing ones.
Deleting a Customer produces the CustomerDeleted Message.
Checks if a Customer exists for a given key.
Simultaneously updating two Customers with the same email address can return a LockedField error.
Simultaneously updating two Customers with the same email address can return a LockedField error.
Changing the password produces the CustomerPasswordUpdated Message with reset=false.
Changing the password produces the CustomerPasswordUpdated Message with reset=false.
Resetting the password of the Customer produces the CustomerPasswordUpdated Message with reset=true.
Resetting the password of the Customer produces the CustomerPasswordUpdated Message with reset=true.
If the anonymousCart field is set on the CustomerDraft, then the newly created Customer will be assigned to that Cart.
If the anonymousCart field is set on the CustomerDraft, then the newly created Customer will be assigned to that Cart.
Checks whether a search index of Customers exists for a Project.
Returns the indexing status of the Customer Search for a Project.
If the initial indexing is in progress or the feature is inactive, a SearchNotReady error is returned.
If the initial indexing is in progress or the feature is inactive, a SearchNotReady error is returned.
Checks if a CustomObject exists for a given Query Predicate.
If an object with the given container/key exists, the object will be replaced with the new value and the version is incremented.
If an object with the given container/key exists, the object will be replaced with the new value and the version is incremented.
Deleting a Discount Code produces the DiscountCodeDeleted Message.
Deprecated OAuth 2.0 Scope: view_orders:{projectKey}
Checks if a DiscountCode exists for a given id.
Deprecated OAuth 2.0 Scope: manage_orders:{projectKey}
Deprecated OAuth 2.0 Scope: manage_orders:{projectKey}
Deprecated OAuth 2.0 Scope: view_orders:{projectKey}
Checks if a DiscountCode exists for a given Query Predicate.
Creates a request for creating new Discount Codes or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Discount Codes or updating existing ones.
Deleting a Discount Code produces the DiscountCodeDeleted Message.
Deprecated OAuth 2.0 Scope: view_orders:{projectKey}
Checks if a DiscountCode exists for a given key.
Deprecated OAuth 2.0 Scope: manage_orders:{projectKey}
Deprecated OAuth 2.0 Scope: manage_orders:{projectKey}
Creating a Discount Code produces the DiscountCodeCreated Message.
Creating a Discount Code produces the DiscountCodeCreated Message.
Checks if an Extension exists for a given id.
Checks if an Extension exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if an Extension exists for a given key.
The view_audit_log:{projectKey} scope is required, and depending on the resource type queried, their respective scopes must be granted.
Execute a GraphQL request.
Execute a GraphQL request.
Execute a GraphQL request.
Execute a GraphQL request.
Execute a GraphQL query
Checks if a Project exists for a given projectKey.
Deletes the import container given by the key.
Retrieves the import container given by the key.
Retrieves all ImportOperations of a given ImportContainer key.
Retrieves an ImportSummary for the given import container.
Updates the import container given by the key.
Updates the import container given by the key.
Retrieves all import containers of a given project key.
Creates a new import container.
Creates a new import container.
Retrieves the ImportOperation of a given ID.
The My Business Unit endpoint does not support assigning existing Customers to a Business Unit.
The My Business Unit endpoint does not support assigning existing Customers to a Business Unit.
Checks if a BusinessUnit exists for a given id.
Checks if a BusinessUnit exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a BusinessUnit exists for a given key.
To delete a CartDiscount, specify the manage_cart_discounts:{projectKey}:{storeKey} scope for all Stores associated with the CartDiscount.
Checks if a CartDiscount exists for a given id.
To update a CartDiscount, you must have permissions for all Stores the CartDiscount is associated with, except when removing a Store.
To update a CartDiscount, you must have permissions for all Stores the CartDiscount is associated with, except when removing a Store.
Checks if a CartDiscount exists for a given Query Predicate.
To delete a CartDiscount, specify the manage_cart_discounts:{projectKey}:{storeKey} scope for all Stores associated with the CartDiscount.
Checks if a CartDiscount exists for a given key.
To update a CartDiscount, you must have permissions for all Stores the CartDiscount is associated with, except when removing a Store.
To update a CartDiscount, you must have permissions for all Stores the CartDiscount is associated with, except when removing a Store.
When using the endpoint, the Store specified in the path and the Stores specified in the payload's stores field are added to the CartDiscount.
When using the endpoint, the Store specified in the path and the Stores specified in the payload's stores field are added to the CartDiscount.
If the Cart exists in the Project but does not have a store specified, or the store field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
If the Cart exists in the Project but does not have a store specified, or the store field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
Checks if a Cart exists for a given id.
Updates a Cart in the Store specified by storeKey.
Updates a Cart in the Store specified by storeKey.
Retrieves the most recently modified active Cart of a Customer with CartOrigin Customer.
Checks if a Cart of a Customer exists.
Queries Carts in a specific Store.
Checks if a Cart exists for a given Query Predicate.
If the Cart exists in the Project but does not have a store specified, or the store field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
If the Cart exists in the Project but does not have a store specified, or the store field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
Checks if a Cart exists for a given key.
If the Cart exists in the Project but does not have a store specified, or the store field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
If the Cart exists in the Project but does not have a store specified, or the store field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
Creates a Cart in the Store specified by storeKey.
Creates a Cart in the Store specified by storeKey.
Creates a new Cart by replicating an existing Cart or Order.
Creates a new Cart by replicating an existing Cart or Order.
Deleting a Customer produces the CustomerDeleted Message.
If the Customer exists in the Project but the stores field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
Checks if a Customer exists for a given id.
If the Customer exists in the Project but the stores field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
If the Customer exists in the Project but the stores field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
The customer verifies the email using the token value.
The customer verifies the email using the token value.
If the Customer exists in the Project but the stores field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
If the Customer exists in the Project but the stores field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
If the Customer exists in the Project but the stores field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
Checks if a Customer exists for a given Query Predicate.
Deleting a Customer produces the CustomerDeleted Message.
If the Customer exists in the Project but the stores field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
Checks if a Customer exists for a given key.
If the Customer exists in the Project but the stores field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
If the Customer exists in the Project but the stores field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
Changing the password of the Customer produces the CustomerPasswordUpdated Message with reset=false.
Changing the password of the Customer produces the CustomerPasswordUpdated Message with reset=false.
Resetting the password of the Customer produces the CustomerPasswordUpdated Message with reset=true.
Resetting the password of the Customer produces the CustomerPasswordUpdated Message with reset=true.
If the Customer exists in the Project but the stores field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
If the Customer exists in the Project but the stores field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
If the Customer exists in the Project but the stores field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
When using this endpoint, if omitted, the Customer stores field is set to the Store specified in the path parameter.
When using this endpoint, if omitted, the Customer stores field is set to the Store specified in the path parameter.
Authenticates a Customer associated with a Store.
Authenticates a Customer associated with a Store.
Retrieves the Customer's most recently modified active Cart in a Store.
Checks if an active Cart exists in a Store.
Deletes the Cart for a given id in a Store.
Returns a Cart for a given id in a Store.
Updates the Cart for a given id in a Store.
Updates the Cart for a given id in a Store.
Returns all Carts that match a given Query Predicate and contain either a matching customerId or anonymousId in a Store.
Checks if a Cart exists for a Store that matches the given Query Predicate, and contains a matching customerId or anonymousId.
Creates a Cart in a Store for the Customer or anonymous user.
Creates a Cart in a Store for the Customer or anonymous user.
Deletes the Customer in a Store.
This is the last step in the email verification process of a Customer.
This is the last step in the email verification process of a Customer.
Returns a Customer for a given Query Predicate in a Store.
Retrieves the authenticated Customer (that matches the given email/password pair) if they are part of a specific Store.
Retrieves the authenticated Customer (that matches the given email/password pair) if they are part of a specific Store.
Returns an Order for a given id in a Store.
Checks if an Order exists for a given id in a Store.
Returns all Orders in a Store that match a given Query Predicate and contain either a customerId that matches the customer_id:{id} scope, or an anonymousId that matches the anonymous_id:{id} scope.
Checks if an Order exists for a given Query Predicate in a Store.
Creates an Order in a Store from a Cart for the Customer or anonymous user.
Creates an Order in a Store from a Cart for the Customer or anonymous user.
Changing the password of the Customer produces the CustomerPasswordUpdated Message with reset=false.
Changing the password of the Customer produces the CustomerPasswordUpdated Message with reset=false.
This is the last step in the password reset process of the authenticated Customer.
This is the last step in the password reset process of the authenticated Customer.
Updates the Customer in a Store.
Updates the Customer in a Store.
Deletes the ShoppingList for a given id in a Store.
Returns a ShoppingList for a given id in a Store.
Checks if a ShoppingList exists for a given id in a Store.
Updates a ShoppingList for a given id in a Store.
Updates a ShoppingList for a given id in a Store.
Returns ShoppingLists that match the given Query Predicate in a Store.
Checks if a ShoppingList exists for the given Query Predicate in a Store.
Deletes the ShoppingList for a given key in a Store.
Returns a ShoppingList for a given key in a Store.
Checks if a ShoppingList exists for a given key in a Store.
Updates a ShoppingList for a given key in a Store.
Updates a ShoppingList for a given key in a Store.
Creates a ShoppingList in a Store for a Customer or anonymous user.
Creates a ShoppingList in a Store for a Customer or anonymous user.
If used with an optional access token for an anonymous session, all Orders and Carts that belong to the anonymousId are assigned to the newly created Customer.
If used with an optional access token for an anonymous session, all Orders and Carts that belong to the anonymousId are assigned to the newly created Customer.
If the Order exists in the Project but does not have a store specified, or the store field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
If the Order exists in the Project but does not have a store specified, or the store field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
Checks if an Order exists for a given id.
If the Order exists in the Project but does not have a store specified, or the store field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
If the Order exists in the Project but does not have a store specified, or the store field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
Checks if an Order exists for a given Query Predicate.
If the Order exists in the Project but does not have a store specified, or the store field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
If the Order exists in the Project but does not have a store specified, or the store field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
Checks if an Order exists for a given orderNumber.
If the Order exists in the Project but does not have a store specified, or the store field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
If the Order exists in the Project but does not have a store specified, or the store field references a different Store, this method returns a ResourceNotFound error.
Before you create an Order, the Cart must have a shipping address set.
Before you create an Order, the Cart must have a shipping address set.
Creating an Order produces the OrderCreated Message.
Creating an Order produces the OrderCreated Message.
Gets the current or staged representation of a Product by its ID in the specified Store.
Checks if the current or staged representations of a Product exists for a given id in the specified Store.
Gets the current or staged representation of a Product by its key in the specified Store.
Checks if the current or staged representations of a Product exists for a given key in the specified Store.
Generates the ProductTailoringDeleted Message.
Gets the current or staged representation of a Product Tailoring by its Product ID in the specified Store.
Uploads a JPEG, PNG and GIF file to a ProductVariantTailoring.
Uploads a JPEG, PNG and GIF file to a ProductVariantTailoring.
Updates the current or staged representation of a Product Tailoring by its Product ID in the specified Store.
Updates the current or staged representation of a Product Tailoring by its Product ID in the specified Store.
Queries Product Selection assignments in a specific Store.
Generates the ProductTailoringDeleted Message.
Gets the current or staged representation of a Product Tailoring by its Product key in the specified Store.
Uploads a JPEG, PNG and GIF file to a ProductVariantTailoring.
Uploads a JPEG, PNG and GIF file to a ProductVariantTailoring.
Updates the current or staged representation of a Product Tailoring by its Product key in the specified Store.
Updates the current or staged representation of a Product Tailoring by its Product key in the specified Store.
Queries Product Tailoring in a specific Store.
Creates a ProductTailoring in the Store specified by storeKey.
Creates a ProductTailoring in the Store specified by storeKey.
Checks if a QuoteRequest exists for a given id.
Checks if a QuoteRequest exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a QuoteRequest exists for a given key.
Checks if a Quote exists for a given id.
Checks if a Quote exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a Quote exists for a given key.
Retrieves all the active ShippingMethods that can ship to the shipping address of the given Cart in a given Store.
Checks if an active ShippingMethod that can ship to the shipping address of the given Cart exists in the given Store.
If a ShoppingList exists in a Project but does not have the store field, or the store field references a different Store, the ResourceNotFound error is returned.
If a ShoppingList exists in a Project but does not have the store field, or the store field references a different Store, the ResourceNotFound error is returned.
Checks if a ShoppingList exists for a given id.
If a ShoppingList exists in a Project but does not have the store field, or the store field references a different Store, the ResourceNotFound error is returned.
If a ShoppingList exists in a Project but does not have the store field, or the store field references a different Store, the ResourceNotFound error is returned.
Checks if a ShoppingList exists for a given Query Predicate.
If a ShoppingList exists in a Project but does not have the store field, or the store field references a different Store, the ResourceNotFound error is returned.
If a ShoppingList exists in a Project but does not have the store field, or the store field references a different Store, the ResourceNotFound error is returned.
Checks if a ShoppingList exists for a given key.
If a ShoppingList exists in a Project but does not have the store field, or the store field references a different Store, the ResourceNotFound error is returned.
If a ShoppingList exists in a Project but does not have the store field, or the store field references a different Store, the ResourceNotFound error is returned.
When using this endpoint, the store field of a ShoppingList is always set to the Store specified in the path parameter.
When using this endpoint, the store field of a ShoppingList is always set to the Store specified in the path parameter.
Checks if a StagedQuote exists for a given id.
Checks if a StagedQuote exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a StagedQuote exists for a given key.
Creates a request for creating new Inventories or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Inventories or updating existing ones.
Produces the InventoryEntryDeleted Message.
Checks if an InventoryEntry exists for a given id.
Checks if an InventoryEntry exists for a given Query Predicate.
Produces the InventoryEntryDeleted Message.
Checks if an InventoryEntry exists for a given key.
Produces the InventoryEntryCreated Message.
Produces the InventoryEntryCreated Message.
Authenticates a global Customer not associated with a Store.
Authenticates a global Customer not associated with a Store.
Retrieves the Customer's most recently modified active Cart.
Checks if an active Cart exists.
Returns a Business Unit for a given id.
Checks if a BusinessUnit exists for a given id.
Updates a Business Unit for a given id.
Updates a Business Unit for a given id.
Returns all of the authenticated Customer’s Business Units in a Project.
Checks if a BusinessUnit exists for a given Query Predicate.
Returns a Business Unit for a given key.
Checks if a BusinessUnit exists for a given key.
Updates a Business Unit for a given key.
Updates a Business Unit for a given key.
Automatically assigns the Associate to the Business Unit in the default Associate Role defined in BusinessUnitConfiguration.
Automatically assigns the Associate to the Business Unit in the default Associate Role defined in BusinessUnitConfiguration.
Deletes the Cart for a given id.
Returns a Cart for a given id.
Checks if a Cart exists for a given id.
Updates the Cart for a given id.
Updates the Cart for a given id.
Returns all Carts that match a given Query Predicate and contain either a matching customerId or anonymousId.
Checks if a Cart exists that matches a given Query Predicate and contains either a matching customerId or anonymousId.
Creates a Cart for the Customer or anonymous user.
Creates a Cart for the Customer or anonymous user.
Creates a new Cart by replicating an existing Cart or Order of the authenticated Customer.
Creates a new Cart by replicating an existing Cart or Order of the authenticated Customer.
Deletes the Customer specified in the customer:{id} scope.
This is the last step in the email verification process of a Customer.
This is the last step in the email verification process of a Customer.
Returns a Customer for a given Query Predicate.
Retrieves the authenticated customer (that matches the given email/password pair).
Retrieves the authenticated customer (that matches the given email/password pair).
Returns an Order for a given id.
Checks if an Order exists for a given id.
Returns all Orders that match a given Query Predicate.
Checks if an Order exists for a given Query Predicate.
Creates an Order from a Cart for the Customer or anonymous user.
Creates an Order from a Cart for the Customer or anonymous user.
When creating B2B Orders, the Customer must have the CreateMyOrdersFromMyQuotes Permission.
When creating B2B Orders, the Customer must have the CreateMyOrdersFromMyQuotes Permission.
Changing the password of the Customer produces the CustomerPasswordUpdated Message with reset=false.
Changing the password of the Customer produces the CustomerPasswordUpdated Message with reset=false.
This is the last step in the password reset process of a Customer.
This is the last step in the password reset process of a Customer.
Deletes the Payment for a given id.
Returns a Payment for a given id.
Checks if a Payment exists for a given id.
Updates a Payment for a given id.
Updates a Payment for a given id.
Returns all Payments that match a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a Payment exists for a given Query Predicate.
Creates a Payment for the Customer or an anonymous user.
Creates a Payment for the Customer or an anonymous user.
Updates the Customer specified in the customer:{id} scope.
Updates the Customer specified in the customer:{id} scope.
Checks if a QuoteRequest exists for a given id.
Returns all Quote Requests that match a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a QuoteRequest exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a QuoteRequest exists for a given key.
Checks if a Quote exists for a given id.
Checks if a Quote exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a Quote exists for a given key.
Deletes the ShoppingList for a given id.
Returns a ShoppingList for a given id.
Checks if a ShoppingList exists for a given id.
Updates a ShoppingList for a given id.
Updates a ShoppingList for a given id.
Returns all ShoppingLists that match the given Query Predicate.
Checks if a ShoppingList matches the given Query Predicate.
Deletes the ShoppingList for a given key.
Returns a ShoppingList for a given key.
Checks if a ShoppingList exists for a given key.
Updates a ShoppingList for a given key.
Updates a ShoppingList for a given key.
Creates a ShoppingList for the Customer or anonymous user.
Creates a ShoppingList for the Customer or anonymous user.
If used with an optional access token for an anonymous session, all Orders and Carts that belong to the anonymousId are assigned to the newly created Customer.
If used with an optional access token for an anonymous session, all Orders and Carts that belong to the anonymousId are assigned to the newly created Customer.
Deprecated OAuth 2.0 Scope: view_orders:{projectKey}
Checks if a Message exists for a given id.
Deprecated OAuth 2.0 Scope: view_orders:{projectKey}
Checks if a Message exists for a given Query Predicate.
Creates a new import request for order patches
Creates a new import request for order patches
Deleting an Order produces the OrderDeleted Message.
Checks if an Order exists for a given id.
Applying an OrderEdit produces the OrderEditApplied Message.
Applying an OrderEdit produces the OrderEditApplied Message.
Checks if an OrderEdit exists for a given id.
Checks if an OrderEdit exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if an OrderEdit exists for a given key.
You can either create multiple Order Edits for an Order and apply them sequentially to an Order, or create multiple Order Edits parallelly (as alternatives to each other) and apply one of them to the Order.
You can either create multiple Order Edits for an Order and apply them sequentially to an Order, or create multiple Order Edits parallelly (as alternatives to each other) and apply one of them to the Order.
Checks if an Order exists for a given Query Predicate.
Creates a request for creating new Orders.
Creates a request for creating new Orders.
Importing an Order produces the Order Imported Message.
Importing an Order produces the Order Imported Message.
Deleting an Order produces the OrderDeleted Message.
Checks if an Order exists for a given orderNumber.
Before you create an Order, the Cart must have a shipping address set.
Before you create an Order, the Cart must have a shipping address set.
Creating an Order produces the OrderCreated Message.
Creating an Order produces the OrderCreated Message.
Checks whether a search index for the Project's Orders exists.
Checks if a Payment exists for a given id.
Checks if a Payment exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a Payment exists for a given key.
Creating a Payment produces the PaymentCreated Message.
Creating a Payment produces the PaymentCreated Message.
Creates a request for creating new Prices or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Prices or updating existing ones.
Checks if a ProductDiscount exists for a given id.
Checks if a ProductDiscount exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a ProductDiscount exists for a given key.
This endpoint can be used to simulate which Product Discounts would be applied if a specified Product Variant had a specified Price.
This endpoint can be used to simulate which Product Discounts would be applied if a specified Product Variant had a specified Price.
Creates a request for creating new ProductDrafts or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new ProductDrafts or updating existing ones.
Gets the current or staged representation of a Product by its ID.
Checks if the current or staged representation of a Product exists for a given id.
Use the Product Projections query endpoint to get the current or staged representations of Products.
Checks if the current or staged representation of a Product exists for a given Query Predicate.
Gets the current or staged representation of a Product found by Key.
Checks if the current or staged representation of a Product exists for a given key.
Product Projection Search
Product Projection Search
If Product price selection query parameters are provided, the selected Prices are added to the response.
If Product price selection query parameters are provided, the selected Prices are added to the response.
Checks if a Product exists for a given id.
Uploads a JPEG, PNG, or a GIF image file to a ProductVariant.
Uploads a JPEG, PNG, or a GIF image file to a ProductVariant.
If Product price selection query parameters are provided, the selected Prices are added to the response.
If Product price selection query parameters are provided, the selected Prices are added to the response.
Deletion will only succeed if the Product Selection is not assigned to any Store.
Checks if a ProductSelection exists for a given id.
Checks if a ProductSelection exists for a given Query Predicate.
Deletion will only succeed if the Product Selection is not assigned to any Store.
Checks if a ProductSelection exists for a given key.
If Product price selection query parameters are provided, the selected Prices are added to the response.
Checks if a Product exists for a given Query Predicate.
Creates a request for creating new Products or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Products or updating existing ones.
If Product price selection query parameters are provided, the selected Prices are added to the response.
If Product price selection query parameters are provided, the selected Prices are added to the response.
Checks if a Product exists for a given key.
A failed response can return a DuplicatePriceScope, DuplicateVariantValues, DuplicateAttributeValue, or DuplicateAttributeValues error.
A failed response can return a DuplicatePriceScope, DuplicateVariantValues, DuplicateAttributeValue, or DuplicateAttributeValues error.
To create a new Product, send a representation that is going to become the initial staged and current representation of the new Product in the catalog.
To create a new Product, send a representation that is going to become the initial staged and current representation of the new Product in the catalog.
If the indexing is in progress or the feature is inactive, an ObjectNotFound error is returned.
If the indexing is in progress or the feature is inactive, an ObjectNotFound error is returned.
Generates the ProductTailoringDeleted Message.
Checks if a ProductTailoring exists for a given Query Predicate.
Generates the ProductTailoringDeleted Message.
Generates the ProductTailoringCreated Message.
Generates the ProductTailoringCreated Message.
Checks if a ProductType exists for a given id.
Checks if a ProductType exists for a given Query Predicate.
Creates a request for creating new ProductTypes or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new ProductTypes or updating existing ones.
Checks if a ProductType exists for a given key.
Creates a new import request for Product Variant Patches.
Creates a new import request for Product Variant Patches.
Creates a request for creating new ProductVariants or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new ProductVariants or updating existing ones.
Checks if a QuoteRequest exists for a given id.
Checks if a QuoteRequest exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a QuoteRequest exists for a given key.
Checks if a Quote exists for a given id.
Checks if a Quote exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a Quote exists for a given key.
Checks if a Review exists for a given id.
Checks if a Review exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a Review exists for a given key.
Checks if a ShippingMethod exists for a given id.
Checks if a ShippingMethod exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a ShippingMethod exists for a given key.
Retrieves all the active ShippingMethods that can ship to the shipping address of the given Cart.
Checks if an active ShippingMethod exists for the given Cart.
Retrieves all the active ShippingMethods that can ship to the given Location with a predicate that matches the given Cart.
Checks if an active ShippingMethod that can ship to the given Location exists for the given Cart.
Retrieves all the active ShippingMethods that can ship to the given Location.
Checks if an active ShippingMethod that can ship to the given Location exists.
Retrieves all the active ShippingMethods that can ship to the given Location for an OrderEdit.
Checks if an active ShippingMethod that can ship to the given Location exists for the given OrderEdit.
Checks if a ShoppingList exists for a given id.
Checks if a ShoppingList exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a ShoppingList exists for a given key.
Checks if a StagedQuote exists for a given id.
Checks if a StagedQuote exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a StagedQuote exists for a given key.
Produces the StandalonePriceDeleted Message.
Checks if a StandalonePrice exists for a given id.
Checks if a StandalonePrice exists for a given Query Predicate.
Creates a request for creating new Standalone Prices or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Standalone Prices or updating existing ones.
Produces the StandalonePriceDeleted Message.
Checks if a StandalonePrice exists for a given key.
Creating a Standalone Price produces the StandalonePriceCreated Message.
Creating a Standalone Price produces the StandalonePriceCreated Message.
Checks if a State exists for a given id.
Checks if a State exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a State exists for a given key.
Checks if a Store exists for a given id.
Checks if a Store exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a Store exists for a given key.
Checks if a Subscription exists for a given id.
This endpoint can be polled by a monitoring or alerting system that checks the health of your Subscriptions.
Checks if a Subscription exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a Subscription exists for a given key.
A test notification is sent to ensure the correct configuration of the Destination.
A test notification is sent to ensure the correct configuration of the Destination.
Checks if a TaxCategory exists for a given id.
Checks if a TaxCategory exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a TaxCategory exists for a given key.
Checks if a Type exists for a given id.
Checks if a Type exists for a given Query Predicate.
Creates a request for creating new Type or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Type or updating existing ones.
Checks if a Type exists for a given key.
Checks if a Zone exists for a given id.
Checks if a Zone exists for a given Query Predicate.
Checks if a Zone exists for a given key.
Cart Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
If the Cart already contains a CustomLineItem with the same slug, name, money, taxCategory, state, and Custom Fields, then only the quantity of the existing Custom Line Item is increased.
CartAddCustomLineItemActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
To add a custom Shipping Method (independent of the ShippingMethods managed through the Shipping Methods API) to the Cart, it must have the Multiple ShippingMode.
CartAddCustomShippingMethodActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Adds a DiscountCode to the Cart to activate the related Cart Discounts.
CartAddDiscountCodeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Adds an address to a Cart when shipping to multiple addresses is desired.
CartAddItemShippingAddressActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
If the Cart contains a LineItem for a Product Variant with the same LineItemMode, Custom Fields, supply and distribution channel, then only the quantity of the existing Line Item is increased.
CartAddLineItemActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartAddPaymentAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartAddPaymentActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Adds a Shipping Method for a specified shipping address to a Cart with Multiple ShippingMode.
CartAddShippingMethodActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Adds all LineItems of a ShoppingList to the Cart.
CartAddShoppingListActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartApplyDeltaToCustomLineItemShippingDetailsTargetsAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartApplyDeltaToCustomLineItemShippingDetailsTargetsActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
To override the shipping details, see Set LineItem ShippingDetails.
CartApplyDeltaToLineItemShippingDetailsTargetsActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartChangeCustomLineItemMoneyAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartChangeCustomLineItemMoneyActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartChangeCustomLineItemPriceModeAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartChangeCustomLineItemPriceModeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
When multiple shipping addresses are set for a Custom Line Item, use the Add CustomLineItem update action to change the shipping details.
CartChangeCustomLineItemQuantityActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
When multiple shipping addresses are set for a Line Item, use the Remove LineItem and Add LineItem update action to change the shipping details.
CartChangeLineItemQuantityActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartChangeLineItemsOrderAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartChangeLineItemsOrderActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Changing the tax calculation mode leads to recalculation of taxes.
CartChangeTaxCalculationModeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
When External TaxMode is changed to Platform or Disabled, all previously set external Tax Rates are removed. When set to Platform, Line Items, Custom Line Items, and Shipping Method require a Tax Category with a Tax Rate for the Cart's shippingAddress. Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartChangeTaxModeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Changing the tax rounding mode leads to recalculation of taxes.
CartChangeTaxRoundingModeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The ShippingRate maps to an abstract Cart categorization expressed by strings (for example, Light, Medium, or Heavy).
CartClassificationTier Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartClassificationTierBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartClassificationTierBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The ShippingRate maps to an abstract Cart categorization expressed by strings (for example, Light, Medium, or Heavy).
CartClassificationTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscount Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
If a referenced Store does not exist, a ReferencedResourceNotFound error is returned.
CartDiscountAddStoreActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountChangeCartPredicateAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountChangeCartPredicateActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountChangeIsActiveAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountChangeIsActiveActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountChangeNameAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountChangeNameActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountChangeRequiresDiscountCodeAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountChangeRequiresDiscountCodeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountChangeSortOrderAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountChangeSortOrderActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountChangeStackingModeAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountChangeStackingModeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountChangeTargetAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountChangeTargetActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Changes the CartDiscountValue for relative, absolute and fixed price CartDiscounts.
CartDiscountChangeValueActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Create CartDiscount request.
CartDiscountCreatedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Create CartDiscount request.
CartDiscountCreatedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Discount is applied to CustomLineItems matching the predicate.
CartDiscountCustomLineItemsTargetBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Delete CartDiscount request.
CartDiscountDeletedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Delete CartDiscount request.
CartDiscountDeletedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a cart discount by key.
CartDiscountKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Discount is applied to LineItems matching the predicate.
CartDiscountLineItemsTargetBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
PagedQueryResult with results containing an array of CartDiscount.
CartDiscountPagedQueryResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Pattern targets can be used to model Buy and Get discounts.
CartDiscountPatternTargetBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Reference to a CartDiscount.
CartDiscountReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
If a referenced Store does not exist, a ReferencedResourceNotFound error is returned.
CartDiscountRemoveStoreActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ResourceIdentifier to a CartDiscount.
CartDiscountResourceIdentifierBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountSetCustomFieldAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountSetCustomFieldActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountSetCustomTypeAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountSetCustomTypeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountSetDescriptionAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountSetDescriptionActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountSetKeyAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountSetKeyActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
If a referenced Store does not exist, a ReferencedResourceNotFound error is returned.
CartDiscountSetStoresActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountSetValidFromAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountSetValidFromActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountSetValidFromAndUntilAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountSetValidFromAndUntilActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountSetValidUntilAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountSetValidUntilActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Discount is applied to the shipping costs of the Cart.
CartDiscountShippingCostTargetBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Add Store update action.
CartDiscountStoreAddedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Add Store update action.
CartDiscountStoreAddedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Remove Store update action.
CartDiscountStoreRemovedMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Remove Store update action.
CartDiscountStoreRemovedMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Stores update action.
CartDiscountStoresSetMessageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Generated after a successful Set Stores update action.
CartDiscountStoresSetMessagePayloadBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountTarget Example to create a subtype instance using the builder pattern
Discount is applied to the total price of the Cart.
CartDiscountTotalPriceTargetBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountUpdate Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountUpdateAction Example to create a subtype instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountUpdateBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountValue Example to create a subtype instance using the builder pattern
Discounts the CartDiscountTarget by an absolute amount (not allowed for MultiBuyLineItemsTarget and MultiBuyCustomLineItemsTarget).
CartDiscountValueAbsoluteBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountValueAbsoluteDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountValueAbsoluteDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountValueDraft Example to create a subtype instance using the builder pattern
Sets the DiscountedLineItemPrice of the CartDiscountLineItemsTarget or CartDiscountCustomLineItemsTarget to the value specified in the money field, if it is lower than the current Line Item price for the same currency.
CartDiscountValueFixedBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Sets the DiscountedLineItemPrice of the CartDiscountLineItemsTarget or CartDiscountCustomLineItemsTarget to the value specified in the money field, if it is lower than the current Line Item price for the same currency.
CartDiscountValueFixedDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountValueGiftLineItem Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountValueGiftLineItemBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Can only be used in a CartDiscountDraft with no target specified.
CartDiscountValueGiftLineItemDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Discounts the CartDiscountTarget relative to its price.
CartDiscountValueRelativeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountValueRelativeDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDiscountValueRelativeDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Changes the CartState from Active to Frozen.
CartFreezeCartActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a cart by key.
CartKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Indicates who created the Cart.
Maps to Order.origin.
possible values of CartOrigin
possible values of CartOrigin
PagedQueryResult with results containing an array of Cart.
CartPagedQueryResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This update action does not set any Cart field in particular, but it triggers several Cart updates to bring prices and discounts to the latest state.
CartRecalculateActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Reference to a Cart.
CartReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This update action does not support specifying quantities, unlike the Remove LineItem update action.
CartRemoveCustomLineItemActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartRemoveDiscountCodeAction Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartRemoveDiscountCodeActionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern