CSV Parser Discount Code

Convert commercetools discount codes CSV data to JSON. See example below for CSV format, sample response and usage.


npm install @commercetools/csv-parser-discount-code --global


Usage: csvparserdiscountcode [options]
Convert commercetools discount codes CSV data to JSON.

  --help, -h                 Show help text.                                       [boolean]
  --version, -v              Show version number.                                  [boolean]
  --input, -i                Path to CSV file.                            [default: "stdin"]
  --output, -o               Path to output JSON file.                   [default: "stdout"]
  --delimiter, -d            Used CSV delimiter for input and/or output file. [default: ","]
  --multiValueDelimiter, -m  Used CSV delimiter in multiValue
                               fields for input/output file.                  [default: ";"]
  --continueOnProblems, -c   Flag if parsing should continue if module
                               encounters an error.               [boolean] [default: false]
  --logLevel, -l             Logging level: error, warn, info or verbose.  [default: "info"]

Info on flags

  • The --input flag specifies the path to the discount codes CSV file. If this flag is omitted, the module will attempt to read the data from the standard input.
  • The --output flag specifies where to output/save the parsed discount codes as JSON file. Several notes on this flag:
    • If the file specified already exists, it will be overwritten.
    • The default location for status report logging is the standard output.
    • If no output path is specified, the generated codes will be logged to the standard output as a result, status reports will be logged to a csv-parser-discount-code.log file in the current directory.
  • The --delimiter flag specifies the delimiter used in the input file. Defaults to ',' if omitted.
  • The --multiValueDelimiter flag specifies the delimiter for multiValue cells in CSV. Note that only the cartDiscounts field if present should contain multiple values. Defaults to ';' if omitted.
  • The --continueOnProblems flag specifies if the module should continue parsing discount codes if it encounters an error. Defaults to false if omitted.
    • If the module should continue on error, all errors are logged to the logging location (see above).
    • If the module should not continue on error, the failing error is written to the stderr, regardless of the output and logging locations


For more direct usage, it is possible to use this module directly:

const fs = require('fs')
const CsvParserDiscountCode = require('@commercetools/csv-parser-discount-code')

const csvParser = new CsvParserDiscountCode(logger, configuration)

const inputStream = fs.createReadStream('path-to-input-file.csv')
const outputStream = fs.createWriteStream('path-to-destination.json')

csvParser.parse(inputStream, outputStream)

// Listen for events
  .on('error', (error) => {
    // <- Handle errors here
  .on('finish', () => {
    // <- Do something here

The constructor takes in 2 optional parameters

  • A logger object having four functions (info, warn, error and debug)
  • A configuration object containing any/all of the following values:
    • delimiter (String): Used delimeter in the CSV (Default: ',')
    • multiValueDelimiter (String): Used delimeter in multiValue fields in the CSV (Default: ';')
    • continueOnProblems (Boolean): Option if module should continue on errors (Default: false)


If we want to parse 3 discount codes from CSV to JSON; with the following as input:

James,Flo,some description,eine beschreibung,disc1;disc2;disc3,LineItems > "50",true,9,3,WICd36fsdc
Easter,Oster,some description 4,eine beschreibung 4,disc1;disc2;disc3,LineItems > "50",true,9,3,WIC109axn
Ascension,Feiertag,some good description 5,eine gute beschreibung 5,disc1;disc2;disc3,LineItems > "50",true,9,3,WI10sw34

Using the CLI, we could run the following command:

csvparserdiscountcode -i /path-to-input-file.csv -o /path-to-output.json -c true

And the following would be written to the JSON file

    "name": {
      "en": "James",
      "de": "Flo"
    "description": {
      "en": "some description",
      "de": "eine beschreibung"
    "cartDiscounts": [
        "typeId": "cart-discount",
        "id": "disc1"
        "typeId": "cart-discount",
        "id": "disc2"
        "typeId": "cart-discount",
        "id": "disc3"
    "cartPredicate": "LineItems > \"50\"",
    "isActive": "true",
    "maxApplications": "9",
    "maxApplicationsPerCustomer": "3",
    "code": "WICd36fsdc"
    "name": {
      "en": "Easter",
      "de": "Oster"
    "description": {
      "en": "some description 4",
      "de": "eine beschreibung 4"
    "cartDiscounts": [
        "typeId": "cart-discount",
        "id": "disc1"
        "typeId": "cart-discount",
        "id": "disc2"
        "typeId": "cart-discount",
        "id": "disc3"
    "cartPredicate": "LineItems > \"50\"",
    "isActive": "true",
    "maxApplications": "9",
    "maxApplicationsPerCustomer": "3",
    "code": "WIC109axn"
    "name": {
      "en": "Ascension",
      "de": "Feiertag"
    "description": {
      "en": "some good description 5",
      "de": "eine gute beschreibung 5"
    "cartDiscounts": [
        "typeId": "cart-discount",
        "id": "disc1"
        "typeId": "cart-discount",
        "id": "disc2"
        "typeId": "cart-discount",
        "id": "disc3"
    "cartPredicate": "LineItems > \"50\"",
    "isActive": "true",
    "maxApplications": "9",
    "maxApplicationsPerCustomer": "3",
    "code": "WI10sw34"

Additional information

  • No field in the csv file is mandatory
  • the cartDiscounts field should contain a string of cart-discount IDs, delimited by the multiValueDelimiter

results matching ""

    No results matching ""