
Creates a proper HTTP User-Agent. Can be used everywhere.



npm install --save @commercetools/http-user-agent


<script src=""></script>
  // global: CommercetoolsHttpUserAgent


Creates a proper HTTP User-Agent.

Named arguments (options)

  1. name (String): the name of the client sending the request (required)
  2. version (String): the version of the client sending the request (optional)
  3. libraryName (String): the name of the library / package / application using the SDK (optional)
  4. libraryVersion (String): the version of the library / package / application using the SDK (optional)
  5. contactUrl (String): the contact URL of the library / package / application using the SDK (optional)
  6. contactEmail (String): the contact email of the library / package / application using the SDK (optional)

Usage example

import createHttpUserAgent from '@commercetools/http-user-agent'

const userAgent = createHttpUserAgent({
  name: 'commercetools-node-sdk',
  version: '1.0.0',
  libraryName: 'my-awesome-library',
  libraryVersion: '1.0.0',
  contactUrl: ''
  contactEmail: ''

// The User-Agent will be something like:
// commercetools-node-sdk/1.0.0 Node.js/6.9.0 (darwin; x64) my-awesome-library/1.0.0 (+;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""