Product JSON to XLSX Parser

A package that parses commercetools products JSON data to XLSX. The products to be parsed can either be read from a .json file or directly piped in from the product exporter.


npm install @commercetools/product-json-to-xlsx --global


Usage: product-json-to-xlsx [options]
Convert commercetools products from JSON to XLSX

  --help, -h                       Show help                                   [boolean]
  --version, -v                    Show version number                         [boolean]
  --projectKey, -p                 API project key                   [string] [required]
  --apiUrl                         The host URL of the HTTP API service         [string]
                                              [default: ""]
  --authUrl                        The host URL of the OAuth API service        [string]
                                             [default: ""]
  --accessToken                    CTP client access token
                                   Required scopes: ['view_products']           [string]
  --template, -t                   CSV file containing your header that defines what you
                                                                          want to export
  --input, -i                      Path from which to read product chunks.
                                                                      [default: "stdin"]
  --output, -o                     Path to output           [string] [default: "stdout"]
  --referenceCategoryBy            Define which identifier should be used for the
                                   categories column. [choices: "name", "key", "externalId",
                                                          "namedPath"] [default: "name"]
  --referenceCategoryOrderHintBy   Define which identifier should be used for the
                                   categoryOrderHints column. [choices: "name", "key",
                                   "externalId", "namedPath"] [default: "name"]
  --fillAllRows                    Define if product attributes like name should be
                                   added to each variant row.                  [boolean]
  --onlyMasterVariants            Export only masterVariants from products.
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  --language, -l                   Language(s) used for localised attributes such as
                                   category names. Can contain multiple languages
                                   delimited by comma ","       [string] [default: "en"]
  --delimiter, -d                  Used template CSV delimiter.           [default: ","]
  --multiValueDelimiter, -m        Used CSV delimiter in multiValue fields. [default: ";"]
  --logLevel                       Logging level: error, warn, info or debug    [string]
                                                                       [default: "info"]
  --prettyLogs                     Pretty print logs to the terminal           [boolean]
  --logFile                        Path to file where logs should be saved      [string]
                                                    [default: "product-json-to-xlsx.log"]

The products to be parsed from JSON to XLSX can be passed to this module in one of two ways:

  • From a pipe
  • From a file

Pass products through a pipe

Piping products in JSON to be parsed. This ideally works with the commercetools product exporter. In this scenario, the products are parsed directly after export. More information on pipe streams can be found here

$ @commercetools/product-exporter --projectKey <project_key> | @commercetools/product-json-to-xlsx \
--projectKey <project_key> --template <path_to_template_file> --output <path_to_output_file>

Pass products from a file

This module also accepts products to be read from a JSON file. This can be done by specifying the --input flag

$ @commercetools@commercetools/product-json-to-xlsx --language "en,de,fr" --projectKey <project_key> --input <path_to_JSON_file> --template <path_to_template_file> --output <path_to_output_file>

CSV Parser Template

A parser template defines the content of the resulting parsed XLSX file, by listing wanted product attribute names as header row. The header column values will be parsed and the resulting XLSX file will contain corresponding attribute values of the exported products.

# only, the variant id and localized name (english) will be exported

For more information about the template, and how to generate a template for products, see here

Parse without CSV template

Products can however be parsed to XLSX without the need to provide a template. In this situation, a zip archive should be passed to the --output flag. If no template file is passed in, one XLSX file will be created for each product type.

$ @commercetools@commercetools/product-json-to-xlsx --projectKey <project_key> --input <path_to_JSON_file> --output <path_to_zip_archive>.zip


For more direct usage, it is possible to use this module directly


The constructor accepts four arguments:

  • apiConfig (Object): AuthMiddleware options for authentication on the commercetools platform. (Required. See here)
  • parserConfig (Object): Internal Parse configurations
    • categoryBy (String): Specify which identifier should be used to reference the categories (Options: name, key, externalId and namedPath. Default: name)
    • categoryOrderHintBy (String): Specify which identifier should be used to reference the categoryOrderHints (Options: name, key, externalId and namedPath. Default: name)
    • fillAllRows (Boolean): Specify if product attributes like name should be added to each variant row (Default: false)
    • headerFields (Array): An array of header fields to be passed to XLSX. This headerFields array should contain the required columns of the XLSX file (Optional. If omitted, a .zip file containing one XLSX file per product type will be created. This is synonymous with the --template flag in the CLI)
    • language (String): Default language used when resolving localised attributes (except lenums) and category names (Default: en)
    • languages (Array): List of languages which should be exported from ltext/lenum attributes (Default: ["en"])
  • multiValueDelimiter (String): Delimiter used to separate multivalue items in cells in the output file (Default: ;)
  • An optional logger object having four methods (info, warn, error and debug)
  • accessToken (String): Access token to be used to authenticate requests to API. Requires scope of [view_products, view_customers]


import ProductJsonToXlsx from '@commercetools/product-json-to-xlsx'
import fs from 'fs'

const inputStream = fs.createWriteStream('path_to_JSON_file')
const outputStream = fs.createWriteStream('path_to_XLSX_file') // <- or zip file if no headers

const apiConfig = {
  host: '',
  apiUrl: '',
  projectKey: 'node-test-project',
  credentials: {
    clientId: '123456hgfds',
    clientSecret: '123456yuhgfdwegh675412wefb3rgb',

const headerFields = ['name.en', 'key', 'sku']

const parserConfig = {
  categoryBy: 'namedPath',
  categoryOrderHintBy: key,
  fillAllRows: true,
  language: 'en',
  languages: ['en', 'de'],
  multiValueDelimiter: ';',
const logger = {
  error: console.error,
  warn: console.warn,
  info: console.log,
  debug: console.debug,
const accessToken = 'my-unique-access-token'

const parser = new ProductJsonToXlsx(

// Register error listener
outputStream.on('error', errorHandler)

outputStream.on('finish', () => process.stdout.write('Parsing completed')), outputStream)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""