Discount Code Importer

A package that helps with importing commercetools discount codes in JSON format to the commercetools platform. This package is built to be used in conjunction with sphere-node-cli


The constructor accepts two arguments:

  • A required object containing the following values:
    • apiConfig (Object): AuthMiddleware options for authentication on the commercetools platform. (Required. See here)
    • accessToken (String): Access token to be used to authenticate requests to API. Requires scope of [manage_orders]
    • batchSize (Number): Amount of codes not more than 500 to process concurrently (Optional. Default: 50)
    • continueOnProblems (Boolean): Flag whether to continue processing if an error occurs (Optional. Default: false)
  • An optional logger object having four functions (info, warn, error and verbose)

Usage with sphere-node-cli

You can use this package from the sphere-node-cli. In order for the cli to import discount codes, the file to import from must be a valid JSON and follow this structure:

  "name": {
   "en": "Sammuy",
   "de": "Valerian"
  "description": {
   "en": "some new promo",
   "de": "super Angebot"
  "cartDiscounts": [
    "typeId": "cart-discount",
    "id": "some-cart-discount-id"
  "cartPredicate": "lineItemTotal(1 = 1) >  \"10.00 USD\"",
  "isActive": true,
  "maxApplications": 10,
  "maxApplicationsPerCustomer": 2,
  "code": "MyDiscountCode1"
  "name": {
   "en": "Sammuy",
   "de": "Valerian"
  "description": {
   "en": "some new promo",
   "de": "super Angebot"
  "cartDiscounts": [
    "typeId": "cart-discount",
    "id": "some-cart-discount-id"
  "cartPredicate": "lineItemTotal(1 = 1) >  \"20.00 USD\"",
  "isActive": false,
  "maxApplications": 10,
  "maxApplicationsPerCustomer": 2,
  "code": "MyDiscountCode2"
  "name": {
   "en": "Sammuy",
   "de": "Valerian"
  "description": {
   "en": "some new promo",
   "de": "super Angebot"
  "cartDiscounts": [
    "typeId": "cart-discount",
    "id": "some-cart-discount-id"
  "cartPredicate": "lineItemTotal(1 = 1) >  \"50.00 USD\"",
  "isActive": false,
  "maxApplications": 10,
  "maxApplicationsPerCustomer": 2,
  "code": "MyDiscountCode3"

Then you can import this file using the cli:

sphere-node-cli -t discountCode -p my-project-key -f /sample_dir/codes.json

Custom optional configuration can be passed in as described above using the -c flag

sphere-node-cli -t discountCode -p my-project-key -f /sample_dir/codes.json -b 20 -c '{ "continueOnProblems": true }'

Direct Usage

If you would like to have more control, you can also use this module directly in Javascript. To do this, you need to install it:

npm install @commercetools/discount-code-importer

Then you can use it to import discount codes:

import DiscountCodeImport from '@commercetools/discount-code-importer'

const codes = [
  name: {
   en: 'Sammuy',
   de: 'Valerian'
  description: {
   en: 'some new promo',
   de: 'super Angebot'
  cartDiscounts: [
    typeId: 'cart-discount',
    id: 'some-cart-discount-id'
  cartPredicate: 'lineItemTotal(1 = 1) > "10.00 USD"',
  isActive: true,
  maxApplications: 10,
  maxApplicationsPerCustomer: 2,
  code: 'MyDiscountCode1'
  name: {
   en: 'Sammuy',
   de: 'Valerian'
  description: {
   en: 'some new promo',
   de: 'super Angebot'
  cartDiscounts: [
    typeId: 'cart-discount',
    id: 'some-cart-discount-id'
  cartPredicate: 'lineItemTotal(1 = 1) > "20.00 USD"',
  isActive: false,
  maxApplications: 10,
  maxApplicationsPerCustomer: 2,
  code: 'MyDiscountCode2'
  name: {
   en: 'Sammuy',
   de: 'Valerian'
  description: {
   en: 'some new promo',
   de: 'super Angebot'
  cartDiscounts: [
    typeId: 'cart-discount',
    id: 'some-cart-discount-id'
  cartPredicate: 'lineItemTotal(1 = 1) > "50.00 USD"',
  isActive: false,
  maxApplications: 10,
  maxApplicationsPerCustomer: 2,
  code: 'MyDiscountCode3'

const options = {
    apiConfig: {
      host: ''
      project_key: <PROJECT_KEY>,
      credentials: {
        clientId: '*********',
        clientSecret: '*********'
    accessToken: '123456yuhgfdwegh675412wefb3rgb',
    batchSize: 20,
    continueOnProblems: true
const discountCodeImport = new DiscountCodeImport(options)
  .then(() => {
  // handle successful import
  .catch((error) => {
  // handle error

On successful completion, a call to the .summaryReport() method returns a report in the following format:

  reportMessage: 'Summary: there were 5 successfully imported discount codes (3 were newly created, 2 were updated and 0 were unchanged).',
  detailedSummary: {
    created: 3,
    updated: 2,
    unchanged: 0,
    createErrorCount: 0,
    updateErrorCount: 0,
    errors: []

Note: By default, if a discount code already exists, the module tries to build update actions for it, and if no update actions can be built, the code will be ignored

results matching ""

    No results matching ""