
Provides an API to construct a URI for the HTTP API endpoints in a declarative way. Useful for building request uri for requests.



npm install --save @commercetools/api-request-builder


<script src="https://unpkg.com/@commercetools/api-request-builder/dist/commercetools-api-request-builder.umd.min.js"></script>
  // global: CommercetoolsApiRequestBuilder


Creates a request builder that allows to declaratively build a HTTP API request URI for the commercetools platform.


The options argument must be an object with a projectKey property, and optionally a customServices property

    options -> { projectKey, customServices }
  1. projectKey (String): A required string specifying the project key to use for the request. Even though this is required, the project key can be omitted from the URI by passing {withProjectKey: false} to .build()
  2. customServices (Object): A map of custom services that are not provided by default. This might be useful to build a request for a different API with similar query parameters.

A service is created by defining its features. Features give a service specific characteristics to correctly build URIs. For example, if a service can query a resource by ID you would include queryOne. Available features types are:

  • query: allows to use standard query capabilities (page, perPage, sort, where, whereOperator)
  • queryOne: allows to query a single resource (byId, byKey, byCustomerId, byCartId)
  • queryLocation: allows to query resources by location (byCountry, byCurrency, byState)
  • queryExpand: allows to use reference expansion (expand)
  • search: allows to use search capabilities (text, fuzzy, fuzzyLevel, facet, markMatchingVariants, filter, filterByQuery, filterByFacets)
  • projection: allows to use projections capabilities (staged, priceCurrency, priceCountry, priceCustomerGroup, priceChannel)
  • suggest: allows to use suggest capabilities (searchKeywords)
import {
} from '@commercetools/api-request-builder'
const options = {
  projectKey: 'my-project',
  customServices: {
    users: {
      type: 'users',
      endpoint: '/users',
      features: [features.query, features.queryOne],
const requestBuilder = createRequestBuilder(options)

Default Services

const requestBuilder = createRequestBuilder(options)
const uri = requestBuilder.productProjections.build()
// uri = "/project-key/product-projections"

Default services match the commercetools API using a camel-case convention.

Endpoints Service Features
/login login create
/cart-discounts cartDiscounts create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/carts carts create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/categories categories create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/channels channels create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/customer-groups customerGroups create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/customers customers create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/customers/password customersPassword create
/customers/password-token customersPasswordToken create, queryOne
/customers/password/reset customersPasswordReset create
/customers/email-token customersEmailVerificationToken create, queryOne
/customers/email/confirm customersEmailVerification create
/custom-objects customObjects create, update, del, query, queryOne
/discount-codes discountCodes create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/extensions extensions create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/inventory inventory create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/messages messages query, queryOne, queryExpand
/me/active-cart myActiveCart queryOne
/me/carts myCarts create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/me/orders myOrders create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/orders orders create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/orders/edits orderEdits create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/orders/import orderImport create, query
/payments payments create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/product-discounts productDiscounts create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/product-projections productProjections query, queryOne, queryExpand, projection
/product-projections/search productProjectionsSearch search, queryOne, queryExpand, projection
/product-projections/suggest productProjectionsSuggest search, suggest, queryOne, projection
/products products create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/product-types productTypes create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/ project update, query
/reviews reviews create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/shipping-methods shippingMethods create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand, queryLocation
/shopping-lists shoppingLists create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/states states create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/subscriptions subscriptions create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/tax-categories taxCategories create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/types types create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand
/zones zones create, update, del, query, queryOne, queryExpand

Note that markMatchingVariants is set by default to false which turns off this feature on the API.


It is possible to add the staged boolean option to the uri. This decides whether to query the current or staged projections, for example in Product Projections. (Defaults to false)

const service = createRequestBuilder(options)
const uri = service.productProjections.staged(true).build()


It is also possible to append the version of a resource to the uri when making a request that requires this (for example a DELETE request). This can be done by passing the required version to the .withVersion() method.

const service = createRequestBuilder(options)
const uri = service.channels.withVersion(2).build()


It is also possible to query for just one resource. QueryOne consists of byId, byKey, byCustomerId, byCartId.

When retrieving a resource using it's own ID, use byId or byKey.

const requestBuilder = createRequestBuilder(options)
const uri = requestBuilder.carts.byId('cartId').build()

When retrieving a resource by a customer or cart reference use byCustomerId or byCartId.

const requestBuilder = createRequestBuilder(options)
const uri = requestBuilder.carts.byCustomerId('customerId').build()


You can also append the dataErasure option to the uri when making a delete request if you want to make sure all related data is deleted. For example, regarding the GDPR, this means that all personal data related to the particular object, including invisible data, is erased. More info here

This can be done by using the .withFullDataErasure() method.

const service = createRequestBuilder(options)
const deleteUri = service.payments


You can also append the withTotal option to the uri when making a query. More info here.

This can be done by using the .withTotal(false) method.

const service = createRequestBuilder(options)
const getUri = service.orders.withTotal(false).build()

Usage example

import { createRequestBuilder } from '@commercetools/api-request-builder'
import { createClient } from '@commercetools/sdk-client'

const requestBuilder = createRequestBuilder({ projectKey: 'my-project-key' })
const client = createClient({
  middlewares: [...],
const channelsUri = requestBuilder.channels
  .where('key = "foo"')
const channelsRequest = {
  uri: channelsUri,
  method: 'GET',

.then(result => ...)
.catch(error => ...)

Declarative Usage

A declarative API exists as an alternative to the imperative API (shown in the example above).

// same imports and instantiation as above
const channelsUri = requestBuilder.channels
    where: ['key = "foo"'],
    perPage: 1,
    version: 3,

Type of Params This declarative parse API accepts an object of the following shape:

  // query-expand
  expand?: Array<string>;

  // query-id
  id?: ?string;
  key?: ?string;
  customerId?: ?string;
  cartId?: ?string;

  // query-location
  country?: ?string;
  currency?: ?string;
  state?: ?string;

  // query-page
  sort: Array<{ by: string, direction: 'asc' | 'desc' }>;
  page: ?number;
  perPage: ?number;

  // query-projection
  staged?: boolean;
  priceCurrency?: string;
  priceCountry?: string;
  priceCustomerGroup?: string;
  priceChannel?: string;

  // query-search
  text?: ?{
    language?: string;
    value?: string;
  fuzzy?: boolean;
  fuzzyLevel?: number;
  markMatchingVariants?: boolean;
  facet?: Array<string>;
  filter?: Array<string>;
  filterByQuery?: Array<string>;
  filterByFacets?: Array<string>;

  // query-suggest
  searchKeywords?: Array<{language: string; value: string;}>;

  // query
  where?: Array<string>;
  whereOperator?: 'and' | 'or';

  // version
  version?: string;

  // dataErasure
  dataErasure?: string;

  // params
  orderNumber?: number;

Mixed usage

The imperative API can be mixed with the declarative one.

// these both lead to the same result
requestBuilder.channels.parse({ page: 5 }).perPage(10).build()
requestBuilder.channels.perPage(10).parse({ page: 5 }).build()

results matching ""

    No results matching ""