Class ByProjectKeyInStoreKeyByStoreKeyMeOrdersRequestBuilder






args: {
    baseUri?: string;
    executeRequest: executeRequest;
    pathArgs: { projectKey: string; storeKey: string };


  • Returns all Orders in a Store that match a given Query Predicate and contain either a customerId that matches the customer_id:{id} scope, or an anonymousId that matches the anonymous_id:{id} scope.


    • OptionalmethodArgs: {
          headers?: { [key: string]: string | string[] };
          queryArgs?: {
              expand?: string | string[];
              limit?: number;
              offset?: number;
              sort?: string | string[];
              where?: string | string[];
              withTotal?: boolean;
              [key: string]: QueryParam;

    Returns ApiRequest<OrderPagedQueryResponse>

  • Checks if an Order exists for a given Query Predicate in a Store. Returns a 200 OK status if successful.

    A [ResourceNotFound](ctp:api:type:ResourceNotFoundError) error is returned in the following scenarios:
    - If no Orders exist in the Store that match the Query Predicate.
    - If an Order matches the Query Predicate, but no `store` is specified, or the `store` field references a different Store.
    - If an Order matches the Query Predicate, but does not have a `customerId` that matches the [customer:{id}](/scopes#composable-commerce-oauth) scope, or an `anonymousId` that matches the [anonymous_id:{id}](/scopes#composable-commerce-oauth) scope.


    • OptionalmethodArgs: {
          headers?: { [key: string]: string | string[] };
          queryArgs?: { where?: string | string[]; [key: string]: QueryParam };

    Returns ApiRequest<void>

  • Creates an Order in a Store from a Cart for the Customer or anonymous user. The customerId or anonymousId field on the Order is automatically set based on the customer:{id} or anonymous_id:{id} scope.

    The Cart must have a [shipping address set](ctp:api:type:CartSetShippingAddressAction) for taxes to be calculated. When creating [B2B Orders](/associates-overview#b2b-resources), the Customer must have the `CreateMyOrdersFromMyCarts` [Permission](ctp:api:type:Permission).
    If the Cart's `customerId` does not match the [customer:{id}](/scopes#composable-commerce-oauth) scope, or the `anonymousId` does not match the [anonymous_id:{id}](/scopes#composable-commerce-oauth) scope, a [ResourceNotFound](ctp:api:type:ResourceNotFoundError) error is returned.
    Creating an Order produces the [OrderCreated](ctp:api:type:OrderCreatedMessage) Message.
    Specific Error Codes:
    - [AssociateMissingPermission](ctp:api:type:AssociateMissingPermissionError)
    - [CountryNotConfiguredInStore](ctp:api:type:CountryNotConfiguredInStoreError)
    - [DiscountCodeNonApplicable](ctp:api:type:DiscountCodeNonApplicableError)
    - [InvalidItemShippingDetails](ctp:api:type:InvalidItemShippingDetailsError)
    - [MatchingPriceNotFound](ctp:api:type:MatchingPriceNotFoundError)
    - [MissingTaxRateForCountry](ctp:api:type:MissingTaxRateForCountryError)
    - [OutOfStock](ctp:api:type:OutOfStockError)
    - [PriceChanged](ctp:api:type:PriceChangedError)
    - [ShippingMethodDoesNotMatchCart](ctp:api:type:ShippingMethodDoesNotMatchCartError)


    • methodArgs: {
          body: MyOrderFromCartDraft;
          headers?: { [key: string]: string | string[] };
          queryArgs?: { expand?: string | string[]; [key: string]: QueryParam };

    Returns ApiRequest<Order>