When creating a new Review, at least one of title, text or rating should be set.

interface ReviewDraft {
    authorName?: string;
    custom?: CustomFieldsDraft;
    customer?: CustomerResourceIdentifier;
    key?: string;
    locale?: string;
    rating?: number;
    state?: StateResourceIdentifier;
    target?: ProductResourceIdentifier | ChannelResourceIdentifier;
    text?: string;
    title?: string;
    uniquenessValue?: string;


authorName?: string

Name of the author.

Custom Fields for the Review.

Customer who created the Review.

key?: string

User-defined unique identifier for the Review.

locale?: string

Language in which the content of the Review is written.

rating?: number

Rating of the targeted Product or Channel. This rating can represent the number of stars, a percentage, or a like (+1)/dislike (-1). A rating is used in the ratings statistics of the targeted object, unless the Review is in a State that does not have the role ReviewIncludedInStatistics.

State of the Review. Used for approval processes, see Review approval process for details.

Identifies the target of the Review. Can be a Product or a Channel, specified as ProductResourceIdentifier or ChannelResourceIdentifier, respectively.

text?: string

Content of the Review.

title?: string

Title of the Review.

uniquenessValue?: string

If set, this value must be unique among Reviews. For example, if you want to have only one Review per Customer and per Product, you can set the value to Customer id + Product id.