Returned when a Customer with the given credentials (matching the given email/password pair) is not found and authentication fails.

The error is returned as a failed response to:

- [Authenticate a global Customer (Sign-in)](ctp:api:endpoint:/{projectKey}/login:POST) and [Authenticate Customer (Sign-in) in a Store](ctp:api:endpoint:/{projectKey}/in-store/key={storeKey}/login:POST) requests on Customers.
- [Authenticating Customer (Sign-in)](ctp:api:endpoint:/{projectKey}/me/login:POST) and [Authenticate Customer (Sign-in) in a Store](ctp:api:endpoint:/{projectKey}/in-store/key={storeKey}/me/login:POST) requests on My Customer Profile.
interface InvalidCredentialsError {
    code: "InvalidCredentials";
    message: string;
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any



code: "InvalidCredentials"
message: string

"Account with the given credentials not found."