Determines the address (as a reference to an address in itemShippingAddresses) and the quantity shipped to the address.

If multiple shipping addresses are present for a Line Item or Custom Line Item, sub-quantities must be specified.
An array of addresses and sub-quantities is stored per Line Item or Custom Line Item.
interface ItemShippingTarget {
    addressKey: string;
    quantity: number;
    shippingMethodKey?: string;


addressKey: string

Key of the address in the Cart itemShippingAddresses. Duplicate address keys are not allowed.

quantity: number

Quantity of Line Items or Custom Line Items shipped to the address with the specified addressKey.

If a quantity is updated to `0` when defining [ItemShippingDetailsDraft](ctp:api:type:ItemShippingDetailsDraft), the `targets` are removed from a Line Item or Custom Line Item in the resulting [ItemShippingDetails](ctp:api:type:ItemShippingDetails).
shippingMethodKey?: string

User-defined unique identifier of the Shipping Method in a Cart with Multiple ShippingMode.

It connects Line Item or Custom Line Item quantities with individual Shipping Methods.