Generated after a successful Create Store request.

interface StoreCreatedMessagePayload {
    countries?: StoreCountry[];
    custom?: CustomFields;
    distributionChannels: ChannelReference[];
    languages?: string[];
    name?: LocalizedString;
    productSelections: ProductSelectionSetting[];
    supplyChannels: ChannelReference[];
    type: "StoreCreated";

Hierarchy (View Summary)


countries?: StoreCountry[]

Countries of the Store that was created.

custom?: CustomFields

Custom Fields on the Store that was created.

distributionChannels: ChannelReference[]

Distribution Channels of the Store that was created.

languages?: string[]

Languages of the Store that was created. Languages are represented as IETF language tags.

The name of the Store that was created.

productSelections: ProductSelectionSetting[]

ProductSelectionSettings of the Store that was created.

supplyChannels: ChannelReference[]

Supply Channels of the Store that was created.

type: "StoreCreated"