Returned when the Product Variant does not have a Price according to the Product priceMode value for a selected currency, country, Customer Group, or Channel.

The error is returned as a failed response to:

- [Add LineItem](ctp:api:type:CartAddLineItemAction), [Add CustomLineItem](ctp:api:type:CartAddCustomLineItemAction), and [Add DiscountCode](ctp:api:type:CartAddDiscountCodeAction) update actions on Carts.
- [Add LineItem](ctp:api:type:StagedOrderAddLineItemAction), [Add CustomLineItem](ctp:api:type:StagedOrderAddCustomLineItemAction), and [Add DiscountCode](ctp:api:type:StagedOrderAddDiscountCodeAction) update actions on Order Edits.
- [Create Order from Cart](ctp:api:endpoint:/{projectKey}/orders:POST) and [Create Order in Store from Cart](ctp:api:endpoint:/{projectKey}/in-store/orders:POST) requests on Orders.
- [Create Order from Cart](ctp:api:endpoint:/{projectKey}/me/orders:POST) and [Create Order in Store from Cart](ctp:api:endpoint:/{projectKey}/in-store/me/orders:POST) requests on My Orders.
interface MatchingPriceNotFoundError {
    channel?: ChannelReference;
    code: "MatchingPriceNotFound";
    country?: string;
    currency?: string;
    customerGroup?: CustomerGroupReference;
    message: string;
    productId: string;
    variantId: number;
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any


Channel associated with the Price.

code: "MatchingPriceNotFound"
country?: string

Country code of the geographic location.

currency?: string

Currency code of the country.

customerGroup?: CustomerGroupReference

Customer Group associated with the Price.

message: string

"The variant $variantId of product $productId does not contain a price for currency $currencyCode, $country, $customerGroup, $channel."

productId: string

Unique identifier of a Product.

variantId: number

Unique identifier of a ProductVariant in the Product.