Interface ProductTailoringSetAttributeInAllVariantsAction

Adds, removes, or changes a tailored Attribute in all Product Variants of a Product at the same time. This action is useful for setting tailored values for Attributes with the Constraint SameForAll.

interface ProductTailoringSetAttributeInAllVariantsAction {
    action: "setAttributeInAllVariants";
    name: string;
    staged?: boolean;
    value?: any;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


action: "setAttributeInAllVariants"
name: string

The name of the Attribute to set.

staged?: boolean

If true, only the staged Attributes are set. If false, both the current and staged Attributes are set.

value?: any

Value to set for the Attributes. If empty, any existing value will be removed.

The [AttributeType](ctp:api:type:AttributeType) determines the format of the Attribute `value` to be provided:

- For [Enum Type](ctp:api:type:AttributeEnumType) and [Localized Enum Type](ctp:api:type:AttributeLocalizedEnumType),
  use the `key` of the [Plain Enum Value](ctp:api:type:AttributePlainEnumValue) or [Localized Enum Value](ctp:api:type:AttributeLocalizedEnumValue) objects,
  or the complete objects as `value`.
- For [Localizable Text Type](ctp:api:type:AttributeLocalizableTextType), use the [LocalizedString](ctp:api:type:LocalizedString) object as `value`.
- For [Money Type](ctp:api:type:AttributeMoneyType) Attributes, use the [Money](ctp:api:type:Money) object as `value`.
- For [Set Type](ctp:api:type:AttributeSetType) Attributes, use the entire `set` object  as `value`.
- For [Reference Type](ctp:api:type:AttributeReferenceType) Attributes, use the [Reference](ctp:api:type:Reference) object as `value`.

Tailoring of [Nested Type](ctp:api:type:AttributeNestedType) Attributes is **not supported**.