Either variantId or sku is required to reference a ProductVariant that exists. The Asset to update must be specified using either assetId or assetKey.

interface ProductTailoringSetAssetCustomTypeAction {
    action: "setAssetCustomType";
    assetId?: string;
    assetKey?: string;
    fields?: FieldContainer;
    sku?: string;
    staged?: boolean;
    type?: TypeResourceIdentifier;
    variantId?: number;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


action: "setAssetCustomType"
assetId?: string

The id of the Asset to update.

assetKey?: string

The key of the Asset to update.

Sets the Custom Fields fields for the Asset.

sku?: string

The sku of the tailored ProductVariant to update.

staged?: boolean

If true, only the staged Asset is updated. If false, both the current and staged Asset is updated.

Defines the Type that extends the Asset with Custom Fields. If absent, any existing Type and Custom Fields are removed from the Asset.

variantId?: number

The id of the tailored ProductVariant to update.