Generated after a successful Add Quantity, Remove Quantity or Change Quantity update action. Inventory changes as a result of Order creation do not trigger this message.

interface InventoryEntryQuantitySetMessagePayload {
    newAvailableQuantity: number;
    newQuantityOnStock: number;
    oldAvailableQuantity: number;
    oldQuantityOnStock: number;
    supplyChannel?: ChannelReference;
    type: "InventoryEntryQuantitySet";

Hierarchy (View Summary)


newAvailableQuantity: number

Available quantity for the InventoryEntry after the quantity was updated.

newQuantityOnStock: number

Quantity on stock for the InventoryEntry after the quantity was updated.

oldAvailableQuantity: number

Available quantity for the InventoryEntry before the quantity was updated.

oldQuantityOnStock: number

Quantity on stock for the InventoryEntry before the quantity was updated.

supplyChannel?: ChannelReference

Reference to the Channel where the InventoryEntry quantity was set.

type: "InventoryEntryQuantitySet"