A shopping cart holds product variants and can be ordered.
Deletes the Customer specified in the customer:{id} scope. Returns a 200 OK
status if successful.
Returns a Customer for a given Query Predicate. Returns a 200 OK
status if successful.
A [ResourceNotFound](ctp:api:type:ResourceNotFoundError) error is returned in the following scenarios:
- If no Customer exists for the given Query Predicate.
- If a Customer exists for the given Query Predicate, but does not have an `id` value that matches the [customer:{id}](/scopes#composable-commerce-oauth) scope.
methodArgs: {An order can be created from a cart, usually after a checkout process has been completed.
The My Payments endpoint creates and provides access to payments scoped to a specific user.
Updates the Customer specified in the customer:{id} scope. Returns a 200 OK
status if successful.
The My Quote Requests endpoint creates and provides access to Quote Requests scoped to a specific user.
The My Quote endpoint provides access to Quotes scoped to a specific user.
The My Shopping Lists endpoint creates and provides access to Shopping Lists scoped to a specific user.
MyBusinessUnit creates and provides access to Business Units scoped to a specific user.