methodArgs: {Checks if an Order exists for a given Query Predicate. Returns a 200 OK
status if successful.
A [ResourceNotFound](ctp:api:type:ResourceNotFoundError) error is returned in the following scenarios:
- If no Order exists that matches the Query Predicate.
- If one or more Orders exist but don't have either a `customerId` that matches the [customer:{id}](/scopes#composable-commerce-oauth) scope, or an `anonymousId` that matches the [anonymous_id:{id}](/scopes#composable-commerce-oauth) scope.
methodArgs: {Creates an Order from a Cart for the Customer or anonymous user. The customerId
or anonymousId
field on the Order is automatically set based on the customer:{id} or anonymous_id:{id} scope.
The Cart must have a [shipping address set](ctp:api:type:CartSetShippingAddressAction) for taxes to be calculated. When creating [B2B Orders](/associates-overview#b2b-resources), the Customer must have the `CreateMyOrdersFromMyCarts` [Permission](ctp:api:type:Permission).
Creating an Order produces the [OrderCreated](ctp:api:type:OrderCreatedMessage) Message.
If the Cart's `customerId` does not match the [customer:{id}](/scopes#composable-commerce-oauth) scope, or the `anonymousId` does not match the [anonymous_id:{id}](/scopes#composable-commerce-oauth) scope, a [ResourceNotFound](ctp:api:type:ResourceNotFoundError) error is returned.
If a server-side problem occurs, indicated by a 500 Internal Server Error HTTP response, the Order creation may still successfully complete after the error is returned.
If you receive this error, you should verify the status of the Order by querying a unique identifier supplied during the creation request, such as the Order number.
Specific Error Codes:
- [AssociateMissingPermission](ctp:api:type:AssociateMissingPermissionError)
- [DiscountCodeNonApplicable](ctp:api:type:DiscountCodeNonApplicableError)
- [InvalidItemShippingDetails](ctp:api:type:InvalidItemShippingDetailsError)
- [OutOfStock](ctp:api:type:OutOfStockError)
- [PriceChanged](ctp:api:type:PriceChangedError)
- [ShippingMethodDoesNotMatchCart](ctp:api:type:ShippingMethodDoesNotMatchCartError)
- [MatchingPriceNotFound](ctp:api:type:MatchingPriceNotFoundError)
- [MissingTaxRateForCountry](ctp:api:type:MissingTaxRateForCountryError)
Returns all Orders that match a given Query Predicate.