Can be used if the Cart has the External TaxMode.

interface CartSetLineItemTaxRateAction {
    action: "setLineItemTaxRate";
    externalTaxRate?: ExternalTaxRateDraft;
    lineItemId?: string;
    lineItemKey?: string;
    shippingKey?: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


action: "setLineItemTaxRate"
externalTaxRate?: ExternalTaxRateDraft

Value to set. If empty, any existing value is removed.

lineItemId?: string

id of the LineItem to update. Either lineItemId or lineItemKey is required.

lineItemKey?: string

key of the LineItem to update. Either lineItemId or lineItemKey is required.

shippingKey?: string

key of the ShippingMethod used for this Line Item. This is required for Carts with Multiple ShippingMode.