Represents a snapshot of a Product Variant at the time it was imported with the Order. The Product Variant can be specified by providing a productId and, or by providing a variant.sku.

interface LineItemImportDraft {
    custom?: CustomFieldsDraft;
    distributionChannel?: ChannelResourceIdentifier;
    inventoryMode?: string;
    key?: string;
    name: LocalizedString;
    price: PriceDraft;
    productId?: string;
    quantity: number;
    shippingDetails?: ItemShippingDetailsDraft;
    state?: ItemState[];
    supplyChannel?: ChannelResourceIdentifier;
    taxRate?: TaxRate;
    variant: ProductVariantImportDraft;


Custom Fields of the LineItem.

distributionChannel?: ChannelResourceIdentifier

The Channel used to select a Price. This Channel must have the ProductDistribution role.

inventoryMode?: string

Inventory mode specific to the LineItem, valid for the entire quantity of the LineItem. Set only if Inventory mode should be different from the inventoryMode specified on the OrderImportDraft.

key?: string

User-defined unique identifier of the Line Item.

Name of the Line Item.

price: PriceDraft

The Line Item price for quantity = 1. The amount can be negative.

productId?: string

id of the Product the Product Variant belongs to.

If provided, you must also set ``.
quantity: number

The number of Product Variants in the LineItem. Can be a negative value.

shippingDetails?: ItemShippingDetailsDraft

Container for Line Item-specific addresses.

state?: ItemState[]

States of the Line Item.

The Channel used to supply Line Items. By providing supply Channel information, you can uniquely identify Inventory entries that should be reserved. This Channel must have the InventorySupply role.

taxRate?: TaxRate

The tax rate used to calculate the taxedPrice of the Order.

The Product Variant to use as a Line Item.