Returned when a Product is not assigned to the Product Selection. The error is returned as a failed response either to the Set Variant Selection or to the Set Variant Exclusion update action.

interface ProductAssignmentMissingError {
    code: "ProductAssignmentMissing";
    message: string;
    product: ProductReference;
    [key: string]: any;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [key: string]: any



code: "ProductAssignmentMissing"

Error identifier.

message: string

For Product Selection of mode Individual, the message is: "A Product Variant Selection can only be set for a Product that has previously been added to the Product Selection." For Product Selection of mode IndividualExclusion, the message is: "A Variant Exclusion can only be set for a Product that has previously been added to the Product Selection of type Individual Exclusion."

Reference to the Product for which the error was returned.