Different from Address in that key is required and id is not supported.

interface CustomerAddress {
    additionalAddressInfo?: string;
    additionalStreetInfo?: string;
    apartment?: string;
    building?: string;
    city?: string;
    company?: string;
    country: string;
    custom?: Custom;
    department?: string;
    email?: string;
    externalId?: string;
    fax?: string;
    firstName?: string;
    key: string;
    lastName?: string;
    mobile?: string;
    phone?: string;
    pOBox?: string;
    postalCode?: string;
    region?: string;
    salutation?: string;
    state?: string;
    streetName?: string;
    streetNumber?: string;
    title?: string;


additionalAddressInfo?: string

Further information on the Address.

additionalStreetInfo?: string

Further information on the street address.

apartment?: string

Number or name of the apartment.

building?: string

Number or name of the building.

city?: string

Name of the city.

company?: string

Name of the company.

country: string

Name of the country.

custom?: Custom

Custom Fields for the address.

department?: string

Name of the department.

email?: string

Email address of the contact.

externalId?: string

ID for the contact used in an external system.

fax?: string

Fax number of the contact.

firstName?: string

Given name (first name) of the contact.

key: string

User-defined identifier for the address. Must follow the pattern [a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{2,256} and must be unique per customer.

lastName?: string

Family name (last name) of the contact.

mobile?: string

Mobile phone number of the contact.

phone?: string

Phone number of the contact.

pOBox?: string

Post office box number.

postalCode?: string

Postal code.

region?: string

Name of the region.

salutation?: string

Salutation of the contact, for example 'Mr.' or 'Ms.'

state?: string

Name of the state, for example, Colorado.

streetName?: string

Name of the street.

streetNumber?: string

Street number.

title?: string

Title of the contact, for example 'Dr.'