The representation for prices embedded in LineItems and in ProductVariants when the ProductPriceMode is Embedded. For the Standalone ProductPriceMode refer to StandalonePrice.

interface Price {
    channel?: ChannelReference;
    country?: string;
    custom?: CustomFields;
    customerGroup?: CustomerGroupReference;
    discounted?: DiscountedPrice;
    id: string;
    key?: string;
    tiers?: PriceTier[];
    validFrom?: string;
    validUntil?: string;
    value: TypedMoney;


ProductDistribution Channel for which this Price is valid.

country?: string

Country for which this Price is valid.

custom?: CustomFields

Custom Fields defined for the Price.

customerGroup?: CustomerGroupReference

CustomerGroup for which this Price is valid.

discounted?: DiscountedPrice

Is set if a ProductDiscount has been applied. If set, the API uses the DiscountedPrice value for the Line Item Price selection. When a relative discount has been applied and the fraction part of the DiscountedPrice value is 0.5, the value is rounded in favor of the customer with half-down rounding.

id: string

Unique identifier of this Price.

key?: string

User-defined identifier of the Price. It is unique per ProductVariant.

tiers?: PriceTier[]

Present if different Prices for certain LineItem quantities have been specified.

If `discounted` is present, the tiered Price is ignored for a Product Variant.
validFrom?: string

Date and time from which this Price is valid.

validUntil?: string

Date and time until this Price is valid. Prices that are no longer valid are not automatically removed, but they can be removed if necessary.

value: TypedMoney

Money value of this Price.