The data representation for a Standalone Price to be imported that is persisted as a Standalone Price) in the Project.

interface StandalonePriceImport {
    channel?: ChannelKeyReference;
    country?: string;
    custom?: Custom;
    customerGroup?: CustomerGroupKeyReference;
    discounted?: DiscountedPrice;
    key: string;
    sku: string;
    tiers?: PriceTier[];
    validFrom?: string;
    validUntil?: string;
    value: TypedMoney;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


Sets the product distribution Channel for this Price, if the Price does not yet have a Channel.

The Channel cannot be updated. Attempting to update an existing Channel will result in an [InvalidFieldsUpdate](/import-export/error#invalidfieldsupdateerror) error.
country?: string

Sets the country for this Price, if the Price does not yet have a country.

The country cannot be updated. Attempting to update the an existing country will result in an [InvalidFieldsUpdate](/import-export/error#invalidfieldsupdateerror) error.
custom?: Custom

Custom Fields for the StandalonePrice.

Sets the CustomerGroup for this Price, if the Price does not yet have a CustomerGroup.

The CustomerGroup cannot be updated. Attempting to update an existing CustomerGroup will result in an [InvalidFieldsUpdate](/import-export/error#invalidfieldsupdateerror) error.
discounted?: DiscountedPrice

Sets a discounted price for this Price that is different from the base price with value.

key: string

User-defined unique identifier for the Standalone Price. If a StandalonePrice) with this key exists, it will be updated with the imported data.

sku: string

Identifies the ProductVariant to which this Standalone Price is associated. This value is not validated to exist in Product Variants.

tiers?: PriceTier[]

Sets price tiers.

validFrom?: string

Sets the date from which the Price is valid.

validUntil?: string

Sets the date until the Price is valid.

value: TypedMoney

Sets the money value of this Price.