Removes the current projection of the Product. The staged projection is unaffected. To retrieve unpublished Products, the staged parameter must be set to false when querying/searching Product Projections. Produces the ProductUnpublished Message.

When a Product is unpublished, any associated Line Items already present in a Cart remain unaffected and can still be ordered. To prevent this, do the following:

- If the Product uses Embedded Prices, [remove the Embedded Prices](ctp:api:type:ProductRemovePriceAction) from the unpublished Product.
- If the Product uses Standalone Prices, [inactivate](ctp:api:type:StandalonePriceChangeActiveAction) or [delete](/projects/standalone-prices#delete-standaloneprice) the Standalone Prices.
interface ProductUnpublishAction {
    action: "unpublish";

Hierarchy (View Summary)



action: "unpublish"