The ShippingRate maps to the value of the Cart and is used to select a tier. The value of the Cart is the sum of all Line Item totals and Custom Line Item totals (via the totalPrice field) after any Product Discounts and Cart Discounts have been applied. If chosen, it is not possible to set a value for the shippingRateInput on the Cart. Tiers contain the centAmount (a value of 100 in the currency USD corresponds to $ 1.00), and start at 1.'

interface CartValueTier {
    isMatching?: boolean;
    minimumCentAmount: number;
    price: _Money;
    type: "CartValue";

Hierarchy (View Summary)


isMatching?: boolean

Appears in response to Get ShippingMethods for a Cart if the shipping rate matches the search query.

minimumCentAmount: number

Minimum total price of a Cart for which a shipping rate applies.

price: _Money

Fixed shipping rate Price for a CartValue.

type: "CartValue"