
Categories assigned to the Product.

categoryOrderHints?: CategoryOrderHints

Numerical values to allow ordering of Products within a specified Category.

description?: LocalizedString

Description of the Product.

key?: string

User-defined unique identifier for the Product.

This field is optional for backwards compatibility reasons, but we strongly recommend setting it. Keys are mandatory for importing Products with the [Import API](/../api/import-export/overview) and the [Merchant Center](/../merchant-center/import-data).

To update a Product using the Import API or Merchant Center, the Product `key` must match the pattern `^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{2,256}$`.
masterVariant?: ProductVariantDraft

The Product Variant to be the Master Variant for the Product. Required if variants are provided also.

metaDescription?: LocalizedString

Description of the Product as used by search engines.

metaKeywords?: LocalizedString

Keywords that give additional information about the Product to search engines.

metaTitle?: LocalizedString

Title of the Product as used by search engines.

Name of the Product.

priceMode?: string

Specifies the type of prices used when looking up a price for the Product.

The Product Type defining the Attributes for the Product. Cannot be changed later.

publish?: boolean

If true, the Product is published immediately to the current projection.

searchKeywords?: SearchKeywords

Used by Product Suggestions, but is also considered for a full text search.

User-defined identifier used in a deep-link URL for the Product. It must be unique across a Project, but a Product can have the same slug in different Locales. It must match the pattern [a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]{2,256}.

State to be assigned to the Product.

The Tax Category to be assigned to the Product.

variants?: ProductVariantDraft[]

The additional Product Variants for the Product.