Interface DuplicateFieldWithConflictingResourceError

Returned when a field value conflicts with an existing value stored in a particular resource causing a duplicate.

interface DuplicateFieldWithConflictingResourceError {
    code: "DuplicateFieldWithConflictingResource";
    conflictingResource: Reference;
    duplicateValue: any;
    field: string;
    message: string;
    [key: string]: any;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [key: string]: any


code: "DuplicateFieldWithConflictingResource"

Error identifier.

conflictingResource: Reference

Reference to the resource that has the conflicting value.

duplicateValue: any

Conflicting duplicate value.

field: string

Name of the conflicting field.

message: string

"A duplicate value $duplicateValue exists for field $field on $conflictingResource."