Object that stores money as a fraction of the smallest indivisible unit of a specific currency.

interface HighPrecisionMoney {
    centAmount: number;
    currencyCode: string;
    fractionDigits: number;
    preciseAmount: number;
    type: "highPrecision";

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centAmount: number

Amount in the smallest indivisible unit of a currency, such as:

* Cents for EUR and USD, pence for GBP, or centime for CHF (5 CHF is specified as `500`).
* The value in the major unit for currencies without minor units, like JPY (5 JPY is specified as `5`).
currencyCode: string

Currency code compliant to ISO 4217.

fractionDigits: number

Number of digits after the decimal separator, greater than the default number of fraction digits for a currency.

preciseAmount: number

Amount in 1 / (10 ^ fractionDigits) of a currency.

type: "highPrecision"

Type of money used.