Import Operation describes the import status of a specific resource.

interface ImportOperation {
    createdAt: string;
    errors?: ErrorObject[];
    expiresAt: string;
    id: string;
    importContainerKey: string;
    lastModifiedAt: string;
    resourceKey: string;
    resourceVersion?: number;
    state: string;
    unresolvedReferences?: UnresolvedReferences[];
    version: number;


createdAt: string

The time when the ImportOperation was created.

errors?: ErrorObject[]

Contains an error if the import of the resource was not successful. See Errors.

expiresAt: string

The expiration time of the ImportOperation.

id: string

The ID of the ImportOperation.

importContainerKey: string

The key of the ImportContainer.

lastModifiedAt: string

The last time When the ImportOperation was modified.

resourceKey: string

The key of the resource.

resourceVersion?: number

The version of the imported resource when the import was successful.

state: string

The import status of the resource. Set to rejected or validationFailed if the import of the resource was not successful.

unresolvedReferences?: UnresolvedReferences[]

In case of unresolved status this array will show the unresolved references

version: number

The version of the ImportOperation.