interface StateDraft {
    description?: LocalizedString;
    initial?: boolean;
    key: string;
    name?: LocalizedString;
    roles?: string[];
    transitions?: StateResourceIdentifier[];
    type: string;


description?: LocalizedString

Description of the State.

initial?: boolean

Set to false if the State is not the first step in a workflow.

key: string

User-defined unique identifier for the State.

Name of the State.

roles?: string[]

If suitable, assign predefined roles the State can fulfill in case the State's type is LineItemState or ReviewState.

transitions?: StateResourceIdentifier[]

Define the list of States of the same type to which the current State can be transitioned to.

- If, for example, the current State is the _Initial_ State of [StateType](ctp:api:type:StateTypeEnum) `OrderState` and you want to allow the transition _Initial_ -> _Shipped_, then add the [StateResourceIdentifier](ctp:api:type:StateResourceIdentifier) to the _Shipped_ `OrderState` to this list.
- Set to empty list for not allowing any transition from the current State and defining it as final State for a workflow.
- Do not set this field at all to turn off validation and allowing transitions to any other State of the same `type` as the current State.
type: string

Specify to which resource or object type the State is assigned to.